
我正在使用Web服务方法来启动Spring批处理作业。如果在Spring批处理控制中发生任何exception,则会返回处理器处理方法。 但是我需要控制器回到web服务方法,我必须抓住并编写代码来发送该exception。


public void processInputFiles() throws ServiceFault { String[] springConfig = { CONTEXT_FILE_NAME }; ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(springConfig); try { setClientInfo(); JobLauncher jobLauncher = (JobLauncher) context.getBean(JOB_LAUNCHER); Job job = (Job) context.getBean(REMITTANCE_JOB); jobLauncher.run(job, new JobParameters()); }catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "LockboxService exception:: Could not process Remittance(CSV) files"; final Message message = MessageFactory.createErrorMessage(MyService.class, errorMessage, e); ErrorSenderFactory.getInstance().send(message, new Instruction[] { Instruction.ERROR_EMAIL }); } 


 @Override public Transmission process(InputDetail remrow) throws ServiceException { try { business logic here } catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to process row having the int number:"); } } 


 public boolean StartJob() throws MyException{ try { final JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder() .addLong("time", System.nanoTime()) .addString("file", jobInputFolder.getAbsolutePath()) .toJobParameters(); final JobExecution execution = jobLauncher.run(job, jobParameters); final ExitStatus status = execution.getExitStatus(); if (ExitStatus.COMPLETED.getExitCode().equals( status.getExitCode())) { result = true; } else { final List exceptions = execution .getAllFailureExceptions(); for (final Throwable throwable : exceptions) { if (throwable instanceof MyException) { throw (MyException) throwable; } if (throwable instanceof FlatFileParseException) { Throwable rootException = throwable.getCause(); if (rootException instanceof IncorrectTokenCountException) { throw new MyException(logMessage, errorCode); } if (rootException instanceof BindException) { BindException bindException = (BindException) rootException; final FieldError fieldError = bindException .getFieldError(); final String field = fieldError.getField(); throw new MyException(logMessage, errorCode); } } } } } } catch (JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException ex) { } catch (JobRestartException ex) { } catch (JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException ex) { } catch (JobParametersInvalidException ex) { } catch (IOException ex) { } finally { } return result; } 


 @Override public KPData process(InputDetail inputData) throws MyException { try { business logic here } catch(Exception e) { throw new MyException("Some issue"); } }