Spring Boot:从数据库中检索配置


我想扩展Spring Boot Externalized Configuration,以便我有一个方法可以在我的应用程序的任何地方调用。 此方法将使用键检索属性值。 此方法将首先询问数据库表,如果找不到指定的键,则它将回退到1中描述的PropertySource顺序。


@Service public class ConfigurationService { private final ConfigurationRepository configurationRepository; @Autowired public ConfigurationService(ConfigurationRepository configurationRepository) { this.configurationRepository = configurationRepository; } public String getValue(String key) { Configuration configuration = configurationRepository.findOne(key); // Add something here to get the property from application.properties if the key does not exist in the db return configuration == null ? null : configuration.getValue(); } } 


 foo = configuration.getValue("my.property"); 

有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题? 我错过了可以使用的Spring Bootfunction吗?


我使用了EnvironmentPostProcessor springfunction来完成这项工作。


 public class ReadDbPropertiesPostProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor { /** * Name of the custom property source added by this post processor class */ private static final String PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME = "databaseProperties"; /** * Adds Spring Environment custom logic. This custom logic fetch properties from database and setting highest precedence */ @Override public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) { Map propertySource = new HashMap<>(); try { // Build manually datasource to ServiceConfig DataSource ds = DataSourceBuilder .create() .username(USERNAME) // replace with your config .password(PASSWORD) // replace with your config .url(DATASOURCE-URL)// replace with your config .driverClassName(DRIVER) // replace with your config .build(); // Fetch all properties PreparedStatement preparedStatement = ds.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT name, value FROM propertyConfig WHERE service = ?"); preparedStatement.setString(1, APP_NAME); ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); // Populate all properties into the property source while (rs.next()) { String propName = rs.getString("name"); propertySource.put(propName, rs.getString("value")); } // Create a custom property source with the highest precedence and add it to Spring Environment environment.getPropertySources().addFirst(new MapPropertySource(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, propertySource)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error fetching properties from db"); } } } 

由于您需要在spring的早期阶段运行此类,因此需要创建文件spring.factories并注册环境后处理器。 此文件需要位于此处:



 # Environment Post Processor org.springframework.boot.env.EnvironmentPostProcessor=com.your.package.ReadDbPropertiesPostProcessor