是否有可能在Java 8中创建由递归定义的惰性(更好的无限)集合?


static IntUnaryOperator fibo; fibo = (i) -> i<2 ? 1 : fibo.applyAsInt(i-1)+ fibo.applyAsInt(i-2); 

但当然,它只是作为一个例子。 相反,如果我创建了一个惰性/无限列表/流,则可以以非常好的方式使用递归:不必多次计算任何成员。


 IntStream fi; fi=IntStream.iterate(0, i -> fi[i-1]+fi[i-2]); 

但是那样它就行不通了 – 我无法通过索引从流中获取一个项目。另一个问题是,如果我以后再沿着流,它将被消耗,我不能重复使用它。 如果我将流复制到List,它就不再是懒惰了。

因此,我需要一些我可以通过索引解决的构造。 作为fibo(i)

编辑。 显然,解决方案不能是流,因为流不能使用两次。 我不想在每次调用F(i)时重复所有计算。


 public class Fibonacci extends AbstractList { @Override public Stream stream() { return Stream.iterate(new BigInteger[]{ BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ONE }, p->new BigInteger[]{ p[1], p[0].add(p[1]) }).map(p -> p[0]); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return stream().iterator(); } @Override public int size() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public BigInteger get(int index) { return stream().skip(index).findFirst().get(); } } 

它可以通过List接口访问(它没有很好地实现RandomAccess ),因此,您可以通过get(n)请求第n个值。 请注意, get提示的实现如何在Integer.MAX_VALUE之后的位置获取值。 只需使用stream().skip(position).findFirst().get()

谨防! 根据您的要求,此列表是无限的。 不要问它对所有元素起作用的东西,例如甚至toString() 。 但是像下面这样的东西会很顺利:

 System.out.println(new Fibonacci().subList(100, 120)); 


 for(BigInteger value: new Fibonacci()) { System.out.println(value); if(someCondition()) break; } 


请注意,我将元素类型更改为BigInteger因为在涉及Fibonacci序列和intlong值类型时考虑无限流是没有意义的。 即使使用long值类型,序列仅在92个值之后结束,然后发生溢出。

更新:既然您已经明确表示要查找惰性存储 ,则可以按如下方式更改上面的类:

 public class Fibonacci extends AbstractList { final Map values=new HashMap<>(); public Fibonacci() { values.put(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ONE); values.put(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ONE); } @Override public BigInteger get(int index) { return get(BigInteger.valueOf(index)); } public BigInteger get(BigInteger index) { return values.computeIfAbsent(index, ix -> get(ix=ix.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).add(get(ix.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)))); } @Override public Stream stream() { return Stream.iterate(BigInteger.ZERO, i->i.add(BigInteger.ONE)).map(this::get); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return stream().iterator(); } @Override public int size() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } 

我在这里使用BigInteger作为键/索引来满足(理论上)无限的要求,尽管我们也可以使用long键来满足所有实际用途。 关键点是最初的空存储:(现在示例使用long ):

 final Map values=new HashMap<>(); 


 values.put(1L, BigInteger.ONE); values.put(0L, BigInteger.ONE); 


 public BigInteger get(long index) { return values.computeIfAbsent(index, ix -> get(ix-1).add(get(ix-2))); } 


 LongStream.range(0, Long.MAX_VALUE).mapToObj(this::get); 




 public static IntStream iterate(int first, int second, IntBinaryOperator generator) { Spliterator.OfInt spliterator = new AbstractIntSpliterator(Long.MAX_VALUE, Spliterator.ORDERED) { int prev1 = first, prev2 = second; int pos = 0; @Override public boolean tryAdvance(IntConsumer action) { if(pos < 2) { action.accept(++pos == 1 ? prev1 : prev2); } else { int next = generator.applyAsInt(prev1, prev2); prev1 = prev2; prev2 = next; action.accept(next); } return true; } }; return StreamSupport.intStream(spliterator, false); } 


 iterate(1, 1, Integer::sum).limit(20).forEach(System.out::println); 

该解决方案将创建为一个FunctionalSequence类,用于表示由具有整数参数的lambda函数定义的惰性无限对象序列。 该函数可以是迭代的,也可以不是。 对于迭代情况, FunctionalSequence类将具有initialize方法以设置起始值。


  FunctionalSequence fiboSequence = new FunctionalSequence<>(); fiboSequence. initialize(Stream.of(BigInteger.ONE,BigInteger.ONE)). setSequenceFunction( (i) -> fiboSequence.get(i-2).add(fiboSequence.get(i-1)) ); 

请注意,就像在问题中的递归lambda示例中一样,我们不能声明对象并在一个运算符中递归地定义它。 一个运算符用于声明,另一个用于定义。


 import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class FunctionalSequence implements Iterable{ LinkedList> realList = new LinkedList<>(); StackOverflowingFunction calculate = null; public FunctionalSequence initialize(Stream start){ start.forEachOrdered((T value) -> { realList.add(new CountedFlighweight<>()); realList.getLast().set(value); }); return this; } public FunctionalSequence setSequenceFunction(StackOverflowingFunction calculate){ this.calculate = calculate; return this; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new SequenceIterator(); } public T get(int currentIndex) throws StackOverflowError{ if(currentIndex < 0) return null; while (currentIndex >= realList.size()){ realList.add(new CountedFlighweight()); } try { return (T) realList.get(currentIndex).get(calculate, currentIndex); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public class SequenceIterator implements Iterator{ int currentIndex; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return true; } @Override public T next() { T result = null; if (currentIndex == realList.size()){ realList.add(new CountedFlighweight()); } // here the StackOverflowError catching is a pure formality, by next() we would never cause StackOverflow try { result = realList.get(currentIndex).get(calculate, currentIndex); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { } currentIndex++; return result; } } /** * if known is false, the value of reference is irrelevant * if known is true, and reference is not null, reference contains the data * if known is true, and reference is null, that means, that the appropriate data are corrupted in any way * calculation on corrupted data should result in corrupted data. * @author Pet * * @param  */ public class CountedFlighweight{ private boolean known = false; private U reference; /** * used for initial values setting */ private void set(U value){ reference = value; known = true; } /** * used for data retrieval or function counting and data saving if necessary * @param calculate * @param index * @return * @throws Exception */ public U get(StackOverflowingFunction calculate, int index) throws StackOverflowError{ if (! known){ if(calculate == null) { reference = null; } else { try { reference = calculate.apply(index); } catch (Exception e) { reference = null; } } } known = true; return reference; } } @FunctionalInterface public interface StackOverflowingFunction  { public U apply(K index) throws StackOverflowError; } } 



  // by iterator: int index=0; Iterator iterator = fiboSequence.iterator(); while(index++<10){ System.out.println(iterator.next()); } 


 static private void tryFibo(FunctionalSequence fiboSequence, int i){ long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long endTime; try { fiboSequence.get(i); endTime = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println("repeated timing for f("+i+")=" + (endTime-startTime)/1000000.+" ns"); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { endTime = System.nanoTime(); //e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("failed counting f("+i+"), time=" + (endTime-startTime)/1000000.+" ns"); } } 


  tryFibo(fiboSequence, 1100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 200); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 1100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 2100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 2100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 1100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 100); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 200); tryFibo(fiboSequence, 1100); 


 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 failed counting f(1100), time=3.555689 ns repeated timing for f(100)=0.213156 ns repeated timing for f(100)=0.002444 ns repeated timing for f(200)=0.266933 ns repeated timing for f(1100)=5.457956 ns repeated timing for f(2100)=3.016445 ns repeated timing for f(2100)=0.001467 ns repeated timing for f(1100)=0.005378 ns repeated timing for f(100)=0.002934 ns repeated timing for f(100)=0.002445 ns repeated timing for f(200)=0.002445 ns repeated timing for f(1100)=0.003911 ns 

看,f(i)对同一索引的可重复调用几乎没有时间 - 没有进行迭代。 由于StackOverflowError,我们无法一次达到f(1100)。 但是在我们达到f(200)之后,f(1100)变得可达。 我们做到了!