
我正在使用Nimbus L&F。 我正在尝试使用以下代码全局更改所有JTable的字体大小:

NimbusLookAndFeel nimbus = new NimbusLookAndFeel(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(nimbus); UIDefaults d = nimbus.getDefaults(); d.put("Table.font", new FontUIResource(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 18))); 

它正常工作,应用程序中所有JTable的行都使用新字体。 我使用更大的字体大小使表格在大分辨率下更具可读性。

但问题是行高没有改变,导致字体被截断。 我试过以下代码:

 d.put("Table.contentMargins", new Insets(50,50,50,50)); d.put("Table:\"Table.cellRenderer\".contentMargins", new Insets(50,50,50,50)); 



基本上,没有任何意图。 BasicTableUI中的相关代码注释:

 // JTable's original row height is 16. To correctly display the // contents on Linux we should have set it to 18, Windows 19 and // Solaris 20. As these values vary so much it's too hard to // be backward compatable and try to update the row height, we're // therefor NOT going to adjust the row height based on font. If the // developer changes the font, it's there responsability to update // the row height. 


 UIManager.put("Table.font", new FontUIResource(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 28))); // here simply the font height, need to do better int height = 28; UIManager.put("Table.rowHeight", height);