

我确实看到了这个问题和答案,但我不太清楚它的排序基于什么。 代码示例将优先于“方法论”。


public class ItemLocation { String icon; String title; String message; String subtext; String deviceId; double latCoords; double lngCoords; int expiary; int id; double proximity; String locSeen; } 


 public void sort(final String field, List itemLocationList) { Collections.sort(itemLocationList, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(ItemLocation o1, ItemLocation o2) { if(field.equals("icon")) { return o1.icon.compareTo(o2.icon); } if(field.equals("title")) { return o1.title.compareTo(o2.title); } else if(field.equals("message")) { return o1.message.compareTo(o2.message); } . . fill in the rest of the fields... . else if(field.equals("locSeen")) { return o1.locSeen.compareTo(o2.locSeen); } } }); } 


可以将实现Comparable的类与该类的其他实例进行比较。 这对于实现自然搜索顺序很有用。 要允许除了类的自然顺序之外的其他顺序,您需要实现ComparatorComparator是一个单独的对象,能够使用它想要的任何条件比较两个其他对象。


ComparableComparator都使用相同的思想来确定排序:一个方法返回小于0,0或大于0的方法,以通知调用者首先排序了哪两个对象。 在Comparable的情况下,第一个对象是this


 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * ComparableDemo * @author Michael * @since 2/24/11 */ public class ComparableDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { List itemLocations = new ArrayList(); for (String arg : args) { itemLocations.add(new ItemLocation(arg)); } System.out.println("before sort: " + itemLocations); Comparator comparator = new ItemLocationComparator(); Collections.sort(itemLocations, comparator); System.out.println("after sort: " + itemLocations); } } class ItemLocation { String icon; String title; String message; String subtext; String deviceId; double latCoords; double lngCoords; int expiary; int id; double proximity; String locSeen; ItemLocation(String message) { this("", "", message, "", "", 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0.0, ""); } ItemLocation(String icon, String title, String message, String subtext, String deviceId, double latCoords, double lngCoords, int expiary, int id, double proximity, String locSeen) { this.icon = icon; this.title = title; this.message = message; this.subtext = subtext; this.deviceId = deviceId; this.latCoords = latCoords; this.lngCoords = lngCoords; this.expiary = expiary; this.id = id; this.proximity = proximity; this.locSeen = locSeen; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ItemLocation"); sb.append("{message='").append(message).append('\''); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } } class ItemLocationComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(ItemLocation o1, ItemLocation o2) { return o1.message.compareTo(o2.message); } } 


 C:\JDKs\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\java -Didea.launcher.port=7534 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 10.0.2\bin" -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain ComparableDemo zeb meme apple before sort: [ItemLocation{message='zeb'}, ItemLocation{message='meme'}, ItemLocation{message='apple'}] after sort: [ItemLocation{message='apple'}, ItemLocation{message='meme'}, ItemLocation{message='zeb'}] Process finished with exit code 0 

假设我们有一个带有int和字符串的类。 我可以定义如何将该类的一个对象与其他对象进行比较。

我可以选择任何标准。 例如,我可能决定基于int进行排序。 如果我碰巧有两个具有相同值的int,我可以将字符串作为附加条件来决定,如下所示:

  // this class *knows* how to "compare" against him self class CustomObject implements Comparable { String aString; int aInt; ... public int compareTo(CustomObject two ) { int diff = this.aInt - two.aInt;//<-- compare ints if( diff != 0 ) { // they have different int return diff; } return this.aString.compareTo( two.aString );//<-- compare strings... } ... } 


 import java.util.*; class SortDemo { public static void main( String ... args ) { // create a bunch and sort them List list = Arrays.asList( new CustomObject(3, "Blah"), new CustomObject(30, "Bar"), new CustomObject(1, "Zzz"), new CustomObject(1, "Aaa") ); System.out.println( "before: "+ list ); Collections.sort( list ); System.out.println( "after : "+ list ); } } // this class *knows* how to "compare" against him self class CustomObject implements Comparable { String aString; int aInt; CustomObject( int i, String s ) { aInt = i; aString = s; } // comparable interface lets you // specify "HOW" to compare two // custom objects public int compareTo(CustomObject two ) { // I migth compare them using the int first // and if they're the same, use the string... int diff = this.aInt - two.aInt; if( diff != 0 ) { // they have different int return diff; } // else let the strings compare them selves return this.aString.compareTo( two.aString ); } public String toString(){ return "CustomObject[aInt="+aInt+", aString="+aString+"]"; } } 


 before: [CustomObject[aInt=3, aString=Blah], CustomObject[aInt=30, aString=Bar], CustomObject[aInt=1, aString=Zzz], CustomObject[aInt=1, aString=Aaa]] after : [CustomObject[aInt=1, aString=Aaa], CustomObject[aInt=1, aString=Zzz], CustomObject[aInt=3, aString=Blah], CustomObject[aInt=30, aString=Bar]] 


您还可以传递自定义比较器。 如果你需要一个样本,请告诉我。