使用RSA进行模乘会导致Java Card出错

你好我正在研究一个关于Java Card的项目,它暗示了很多模乘法。 我设法使用RSA密码系统在这个平台上实现模乘,但它似乎适用于某些数字。

public byte[] modMultiply(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength, short tempOutoffset) { //copy x value to temporary rambuffer Util.arrayCopy(x, xOffset, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, xLength); // copy the y value to match th size of rsa_object Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(eempromTempBuffer, (short)0, (byte) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,eempromTempBuffer,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); // x+y if (JBigInteger.add(x,xOffset,xLength, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0,Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) ; if(this.isGreater(x, xOffset, xLength, tempBuffer,Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)>0) { JBigInteger.subtract(x,xOffset,xLength, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } //(x+y)2 mRsaCipherForSquaring.init(mRsaPublicKekForSquare, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, x, xOffset); // OK mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset); // OK if (JBigInteger.subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { JBigInteger.add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(eempromTempBuffer, yOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset); //OK if (JBigInteger.subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { JBigInteger.add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } // ((x+y)^2 - x^2 -y^2)/2 JBigInteger.modular_division_by_2(x, xOffset,Configuration. LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); return x; } public static boolean add(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength) { short digit_mask = 0xff; short digit_len = 0x08; short result = 0; short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); for (; i >= xOffset; i--, j--) { result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask) + (short) (y[j] & digit_mask)); x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); } while (result > 0 && i >= xOffset) { result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask)); x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); i--; } return result != 0; } public static boolean subtract(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength) { short digit_mask = 0xff; short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); short carry = 0; short subtraction_result = 0; for (; i >= xOffset && j >= yOffset; i--, j--) { subtraction_result = (short) ((x[i] & digit_mask) - (y[j] & digit_mask) - carry); x[i] = (byte) (subtraction_result & digit_mask); carry = (short) (subtraction_result = xOffset && carry > 0; i--) { if (x[i] != 0) carry = 0; x[i] -= 1; } return carry > 0; } public short isGreater(byte[] x,short xOffset,short xLength,byte[] y ,short yOffset,short yLength) { if(xLength > yLength) return (short)1; if(xLength = xOffset; i--, j--) { result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask) - (short) (y[j] & digit_mask)); if(result > 0) return (short)1; if(result < 0) return (short)-1; } return 0; } 


下面是一个非常简单的unit testing,带有(希望)代码的工作变体:

 package test.java.so; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Random; import javacard.framework.JCSystem; import javacard.framework.Util; import javacard.security.KeyBuilder; import javacard.security.RSAPublicKey; import javacardx.crypto.Cipher; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import sutil.test.AbstractTest; public class So36966764_Test extends AbstractTest { private static final int NUM_BITS = 1024; // Dummy static class Configuration { public static final short LENGTH_MODULUS = NUM_BITS/8; public static final short LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS = LENGTH_MODULUS; public static final short TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS = 0; public static final short TEMP_OFFSET_RESULT = LENGTH_MODULUS; } private byte[] tempBuffer = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray((short)(Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_RESULT+Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS), JCSystem.CLEAR_ON_DESELECT); private byte[] eempromTempBuffer = new byte[Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS]; // Why EEPROM? private RSAPublicKey mRsaPublicKekForSquare = (RSAPublicKey)KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC, (short)NUM_BITS, false); private Cipher mRsaCipherForSquaring = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_RSA_NOPAD, false); // Assuming xLength==yLength==LENGTH_MODULUS public byte[] modMultiply(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength, short tempOutoffset) { //copy x value to temporary rambuffer Util.arrayCopy(x, xOffset, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, xLength); // copy the y value to match th size of rsa_object Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(eempromTempBuffer, (short)0, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,eempromTempBuffer,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); // x+y if(add(x,xOffset,xLength, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0,Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { subtract(x,xOffset,xLength, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } while(isGreater(x, xOffset, xLength, tempBuffer,Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)>0) { subtract(x,xOffset,xLength, tempBuffer,Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } //(x+y)2 mRsaCipherForSquaring.init(mRsaPublicKekForSquare, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, x, xOffset); // OK mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset); // OK if (subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } /*WRONG OFFSET mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(eempromTempBuffer, yOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset); */ mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(eempromTempBuffer, (short)0, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0); //OK /*WRONG OFFSET if (subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset,*/ if (subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0,Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } // ((x+y)^2 - x^2 -y^2)/2 modular_division_by_2(x, xOffset,Configuration. LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); return x; } public static boolean add(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength) { short digit_mask = 0xff; short digit_len = 0x08; short result = 0; short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); for (; i >= xOffset; i--, j--) { result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask) + (short) (y[j] & digit_mask)); x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); } while (result > 0 && i >= xOffset) { result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask)); x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); i--; } return result != 0; } public static boolean subtract(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength) { short digit_mask = 0xff; short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); short carry = 0; short subtraction_result = 0; for (; i >= xOffset && j >= yOffset; i--, j--) { subtraction_result = (short) ((x[i] & digit_mask) - (y[j] & digit_mask) - carry); x[i] = (byte) (subtraction_result & digit_mask); carry = (short) (subtraction_result < 0 ? 1 : 0); } for (; i >= xOffset && carry > 0; i--) { if (x[i] != 0) carry = 0; x[i] -= 1; } return carry > 0; } public short isGreater(byte[] x,short xOffset,short xLength,byte[] y ,short yOffset,short yLength) { // Beware: this part is not tested while(xLength>yLength) { if(x[xOffset++]!=0x00) { return 1; // x is greater } xLength--; } while(yLength>xLength) { if(y[yOffset++]!=0x00) { return -1; // y is greater } yLength--; } // Beware: this part is not tested END for(short i = 0; i < xLength; i++) { if (x[xOffset] != y[yOffset]) { short srcShort = (short)(x[xOffset]&(short)0xFF); short dstShort = (short)(y[yOffset]&(short)0xFF); return ( ((srcShort > dstShort) ? (byte)1 : (byte)-1)); } xOffset++; yOffset++; } return 0; } private void modular_division_by_2(byte[] input, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] modulus, short modulusOffset, short modulusLength) { short carry = 0; short digit_mask = 0xff; short digit_first_bit_mask = 0x80; short lastIndex = (short) (inOffset + inLength - 1); short i = inOffset; if ((byte) (input[lastIndex] & 0x01) != 0) { if (add(input, inOffset, inLength, modulus, modulusOffset, modulusLength)) { carry = digit_first_bit_mask; } } for (; i <= lastIndex; i++) { if ((input[i] & 0x01) == 0) { input[i] = (byte) (((input[i] & digit_mask) >> 1) | carry); carry = 0; } else { input[i] = (byte) (((input[i] & digit_mask) >> 1) | carry); carry = digit_first_bit_mask; } } } @Test public void testModMultiply() { Random r = new Random(12345L); for(int iiii=0;iiii<10;iiii++) { BigInteger modulus = BigInteger.probablePrime(NUM_BITS, r); System.out.println(" M = " + modulus); byte[] modulusBytes = normalize(modulus.toByteArray()); Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(modulusBytes, (short)0, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); mRsaPublicKekForSquare.setModulus(modulusBytes, (short)0, (short)modulusBytes.length); mRsaPublicKekForSquare.setExponent(new byte[] {0x02}, (short)0, (short)1); for(int iii=0;iii<1000;iii++) { BigInteger x = new BigInteger(NUM_BITS, r).mod(modulus); System.out.println(" x = " + x); BigInteger y = new BigInteger(NUM_BITS, r).mod(modulus); System.out.println(" y = " + y); BigInteger accResult; { byte[] xBytes = normalize(x.toByteArray()); byte[] yBytes = normalize(y.toByteArray()); byte[] accResultBytes = modMultiply(xBytes, (short)0, (short)xBytes.length, yBytes, (short)0, (short)yBytes.length, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_RESULT); accResult = new BigInteger(1, accResultBytes); } System.out.println(" Qr = " + accResult); BigInteger realResult = x.multiply(y).mod(modulus); System.out.println(" Rr = " + realResult); Assert.assertEquals(realResult, accResult); } } } private byte[] normalize(byte[] xBytes) { if(xBytes.lengthConfiguration.LENGTH_MODULUS) { Assert.assertEquals(xBytes[0], 0x00); xBytes=Arrays.copyOfRange(xBytes, 1, xBytes.length); } return xBytes; } } 


  1. isGreater()方法 – 虽然可以使用减法来比较数字,但是从最重要的字节开始比较相应的字节并且在第一个不匹配时停止更容易(和更快)。 (在减法情况下,您需要完成减法并返回最终结果的符号 – 您的原始代码在第一个“不匹配”时结束。)

  2. x+y溢出 – 您应该在上次编辑中保留加法溢出情况的模数减法(即当add()返回true时)。

  3. 偏移到eempromTempBuffer – 在两个地方你使用yOffset并且应该使用0 (用“WRONG OFFSET”注释掉)。

  4. Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1byte对于较大的模数长度值不是一个好主意


  • 测试使用已经提到的jcardsim来工作


  • eempromTempBuffer放在非易失性存储器中并不是一个好主意

  • 你的代码非常类似于这个有趣的代码

  • 关于这个主题的有趣读物在这里 (第4.2.3节)。




 private byte[] multiply(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength,short tempOutoffset) { normalize(); //copy x value to temporary rambuffer Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset,(short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS+tempOutoffset),(byte)0x00); Util.arrayCopy(x, xOffset, tempBuffer, (short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - xLength), xLength); // copy the y value to match th size of rsa_object Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,ram_y,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(ram_y_prime, IConsts.OFFSET_START, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,ram_y_prime,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); Util.arrayCopy(x,xOffset,ram_x,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - xLength),xLength); // if x>y if(this.isGreater(ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_y,IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)>0) { // x <- xy JBigInteger.subtract(ram_x,IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS); } else { // y <- yx JBigInteger.subtract(ram_y_prime,IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); // ramy stores the (yx) values copy value to ram_x Util.arrayCopy(ram_y_prime, IConsts.OFFSET_START,ram_x,IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS); } //|xy|2 mRsaCipherForSquaring.init(mRsaPublicKekForSquare, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START); // OK // x^2 mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset); // OK // y^2 mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(ram_y,IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_y,IConsts.OFFSET_START); //OK if (JBigInteger.add(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { // y^2 + x^2 JBigInteger.subtract(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } // x^2 + y^2 if (JBigInteger.subtract(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { JBigInteger.add(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } // (x^2 + y^2 - (xy)^2)/2 JBigInteger.modular_division_by_2(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration. LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); return ram_y; } 

问题是,对于1024位上相同数字ab某些数字,和a+b克服了模数的值p 。在上面的代码中,我从a+b减去p值以使RSA起作用。但是这个东西在数学上不正确,因为(a+b)^2 mod p不同于((a+b) mod p)^2 mod p 。 通过将公式从((x+y)^2 -x^2 -y^2)/2改为(x^2 + y^2 - (xy)^2)/2我确信我永远不会溢出因为ab小于p 。 基于上面的链接,我更改了代码移动RAM中的所有操作。