Jsch或SSHJ或Ganymed SSH-2?

  1. 我需要连接到服务器(用户名,密码,主机) – 简单

  2. 输入3-10命令 – command =“dir; date; cd; dir”是否有更简单的方法?,不写20行:while(smtng){很多东西+神秘的打印到scr:D}

  3. 下载文件 – 简单

  4. 将另一个下载的文件写入同一个文件(添加不是owerride) – 任何想法如何?





/* just for download/owerride : sftpChannel.get("downloadfile.txt", "savefile.txt");*/ 


我不知道Ganymed。 但我已经广泛使用JSch进行远程登录和脚本执行。 我使用Google的Expect4j和Jsch在期望模式下执行远程机器上的脚本(发送/等待)。 您可以使用JSch / Expect4j / Closures在代码中获取已执行命令或脚本的全部输出。



 private Expect4j SSH(String hostname, String username,String password, int port) throws Exception { JSch jsch = new JSch(); Session session = jsch.getSession(username, hostname, port); if (password != null) { session.setPassword(password); } Hashtable config = new Hashtable(); config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); session.setConfig(config); session.connect(60000); channel = (ChannelShell) session.openChannel("shell"); Expect4j expect = new Expect4j(channel.getInputStream(), channel.getOutputStream()); channel.connect(); return expect; } 


 private boolean executeCommands() { boolean isSuccess = true; Closure closure = new Closure() { public void run(ExpectState expectState) throws Exception { buffer.append(expectState.getBuffer());//buffer is string buffer for appending output of executed command expectState.exp_continue(); } }; List lstPattern = new ArrayList(); String[] regEx = SSHConstants.linuxPromptRegEx; if (regEx != null && regEx.length > 0) { synchronized (regEx) { for (String regexElement : regEx) {//list of regx like, :>, /> etc. it is possible command prompts of your remote machine try { RegExpMatch mat = new RegExpMatch(regexElement, closure); lstPattern.add(mat); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { return false; } catch(Exception e) { return false; } } lstPattern.add(new EofMatch( new Closure() { // should cause entire page to be collected public void run(ExpectState state) { } })); lstPattern.add(new TimeoutMatch(defaultTimeOut, new Closure() { public void run(ExpectState state) { } })); } } try { Expect4j expect = SSH(objConfig.getHostAddress(), objConfig.getUserName(), objConfig.getPassword(), SSHConstants.SSH_PORT); expect.setDefaultTimeout(defaultTimeOut); if(isSuccess) { for(String strCmd : lstCmds) isSuccess = isSuccess(lstPattern,strCmd); } boolean isFailed = checkResult(expect.expect(lstPattern)); return !isFailed; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { closeConnection(); } } private boolean isSuccess(List objPattern,String strCommandPattern) { try { boolean isFailed = checkResult(expect.expect(objPattern)); if (!isFailed) { expect.send(strCommandPattern); expect.send("\r"); return true; } return false; } catch (MalformedPatternException ex) { return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } 

Ganymed现在在Google Code上有一个新家,在那里进行维护。 最近提交了用于提高传输速率的补丁。