


我想计算’。’的出现次数。 以惯用的方式,最好是单线。



 int count = StringUtils.countMatches("abcd", "."); 


Spring Framework的oneliner就是:

 int occurance = StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf("abcd", "."); 

这个怎么样。 它不使用下面的regexp,因此应该比其他一些解决方案更快,并且不会使用循环。

 int count = line.length() - line.replace(".", "").length(); 


  String testString = "abcd"; 

1)使用Apache Commons

 int apache = StringUtils.countMatches(testString, "."); System.out.println("apache = " + apache); 

2)使用Spring Framework

 int spring = org.springframework.util.StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(testString, "."); System.out.println("spring = " + spring); 


 int replace = testString.length() - testString.replace(".", "").length(); System.out.println("replace = " + replace); 

4)使用replaceAll (案例1)

 int replaceAll = testString.replaceAll("[^.]", "").length(); System.out.println("replaceAll = " + replaceAll); 

5)使用replaceAll (案例2)

 int replaceAllCase2 = testString.length() - testString.replaceAll("\\.", "").length(); System.out.println("replaceAll (second case) = " + replaceAllCase2); 


 int split = testString.split("\\.",-1).length-1; System.out.println("split = " + split); 

7)使用Java8 (案例1)

 long java8 = testString.chars().filter(ch -> ch =='.').count(); System.out.println("java8 = " + java8); 

8)使用Java8 (案例2),unicode可能比案例1更好

 long java8Case2 = testString.codePoints().filter(ch -> ch =='.').count(); System.out.println("java8 (second case) = " + java8Case2); 


 int stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(" " +testString + " ", ".").countTokens()-1; System.out.println("stringTokenizer = " + stringTokenizer); 

来自评论 :小心对于StringTokenizer,对于abcd它会起作用但是…… bc … d或…… abcd或者…… b …… c …… d …等等它不起作用。 它只是值得。 字符之间只有一次


性能测试 (使用JMH ,模式= AverageTime,得分0.010优于0.351 ):

 Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units 1. countMatches avgt 5 0.010 ± 0.001 us/op 2. countOccurrencesOf avgt 5 0.010 ± 0.001 us/op 3. stringTokenizer avgt 5 0.028 ± 0.002 us/op 4. java8_1 avgt 5 0.077 ± 0.005 us/op 5. java8_2 avgt 5 0.078 ± 0.003 us/op 6. split avgt 5 0.137 ± 0.009 us/op 7. replaceAll_2 avgt 5 0.302 ± 0.047 us/op 8. replace avgt 5 0.303 ± 0.034 us/op 9. replaceAll_1 avgt 5 0.351 ± 0.045 us/op 

迟早, 某些东西必须循环。 编写(非常简单的)循环比使用像你需要的function强大得多的split要简单得多。


 public static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle) { int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < haystack.length(); i++) { if (haystack.charAt(i) == needle) { count++; } } return count; } 

然后你不需要在主代码中使用循环 - 但循环必须在某处。


 String s = "abcd"; int charCount = s.replaceAll("[^.]", "").length(); println(charCount); 
 String s = "abcd"; int charCount = s.length() - s.replaceAll("\\.", "").length(); 




 int count = "abcd".length() - "abcd".replace(".", "").length(); 


 String s = "abcd"; long result = s.chars().filter(ch -> ch == '.').count(); 


 String text = "abcd"; int count = text.split("\\.",-1).length-1; 


 public static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle, int i){ return ((i=haystack.indexOf(needle, i)) == -1)?0:1+countOccurrences(haystack, needle, i+1);} System.out.println("num of dots is "+countOccurrences("abcd",'.',0)); 

好吧,有一个循环,但它是看不见的 🙂

– Yonatan

我不喜欢为此目的分配新字符串的想法。 由于字符串后面已经有一个char数组,它存储了它的值,因此String.charAt()实际上是免费的。

 for(int i=0;i 


好的,受到Yonatan解决方案的启发,这里有一个纯粹递归的方法 – 使用的唯一库方法是length()charAt() ,它们都没有做任何循环:

 public static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle) { return countOccurrences(haystack, needle, 0); } private static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle, int index) { if (index >= haystack.length()) { return 0; } int contribution = haystack.charAt(index) == needle ? 1 : 0; return contribution + countOccurrences(haystack, needle, index+1); } 



灵感来自Jon Skeet,一个不会让你的筹码无法破坏的非循环版本。 如果要使用fork-join框架,也是有用的起点。

 public static int countOccurrences(CharSequeunce haystack, char needle) { return countOccurrences(haystack, needle, 0, haystack.length); } // Alternatively String.substring/subsequence use to be relatively efficient // on most Java library implementations, but isn't any more [2013]. private static int countOccurrences( CharSequence haystack, char needle, int start, int end ) { if (start == end) { return 0; } else if (start+1 == end) { return haystack.charAt(start) == needle ? 1 : 0; } else { int mid = (end+start)>>>1; // Watch for integer overflow... return countOccurrences(haystack, needle, start, mid) + countOccurrences(haystack, needle, mid, end); } } 



 public static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle) { int count = 0; for (char c : haystack.toCharArray()) { if (c == needle) { ++count; } } return count; } 


 public static int numberOf(String target, String content) { return (content.split(target).length - 1); } 

使用java-8,您还可以使用流来实现此目的。 显然幕后有一个迭代,但你不必明确地写它!

 public static long countOccurences(String s, char c){ return s.chars().filter(ch -> ch == c).count(); } countOccurences("abcd", '.'); //3 countOccurences("hello world", 'l'); //3 


 public class CharacterCounter { public static int countOccurrences(String find, String string) { int count = 0; int indexOf = 0; while (indexOf > -1) { indexOf = string.indexOf(find, indexOf + 1); if (indexOf > -1) count++; } return count; } } 


 int occurrences = CharacterCounter.countOccurrences("l", "Hello World."); System.out.println(occurrences); // 3 


 public static void main(String[] args) { String string = "abcd"; String []splitArray = string.split("\\."); System.out.println("No of . chars is : " + splitArray.length-1); } 

如果您使用的是Spring框架,也可以使用“StringUtils”类。 该方法将是“countOccurrencesOf”。

也可以在Java 8中使用reduce来解决这个问题:

 int res = "abdsd3$asda$asasdd$sadas".chars().reduce(0, (a, c) -> a + (c == '$' ? 1 : 0)); System.out.println(res); 


 import java.util.Scanner; class apples { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner bucky = new Scanner(System.in); String hello = bucky.nextLine(); int charCount = hello.length() - hello.replaceAll("e", "").length(); System.out.println(charCount); } }// COUNTS NUMBER OF "e" CHAR´s within any string input 


 int noOccurence=string.split("#").length-1; 

虽然方法可以隐藏它,但没有循环(或递归)就无法计数。 出于性能原因,您希望使用char []。

 public static int count( final String s, final char c ) { final char[] chars = s.toCharArray(); int count = 0; for(int i=0; i 


 public static int countOccurrences(String container, String content){ int lastIndex, currIndex = 0, occurrences = 0; while(true) { lastIndex = container.indexOf(content, currIndex); if(lastIndex == -1) { break; } currIndex = lastIndex + content.length(); occurrences++; } return occurrences; } 
 String[] parts = text.split("."); int occurances = parts.length - 1; " It's a great day at OSG Dallas! " -- Famous Last Words 

好吧,这是了解Java的一个案例,尤其是您对Java中已有的集合类的基本理解。 如果你看看这里的整篇文章,那么斯蒂芬霍金对宇宙起源的解释,达尔文关于进化的平装本以及基因罗登伯里的星际迷航演员选择,以及他们为何与威廉·夏特纳一起探讨如何做这快速而轻松……


在代码中的某个地方,必须循环。 解决这个问题的唯一方法是完全展开循环:

 int numDots = 0; if (s.charAt(0) == '.') { numDots++; } if (s.charAt(1) == '.') { numDots++; } if (s.charAt(2) == '.') { numDots++; } 

…等等,但是你是那个在源编辑器中手动完成循环的人 – 而不是运行它的计算机。 看到伪代码:

 create a project position = 0 while (not end of string) { write check for character at position "position" (see above) } write code to output variable "numDots" compile program hand in homework do not think of the loop that your "if"s may have been optimized and compiled to 


 public static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle) { return countOccurrences(haystack, needle, 0); } private static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle, int accumulator) { if (haystack.length() == 0) return accumulator; return countOccurrences(haystack.substring(1), needle, haystack.charAt(0) == needle ? accumulator + 1 : accumulator); } 

为什么不拆分字符然后获得结果数组的长度。 数组长度总是实例数+ 1.对吗?

以下源代码将为您提供由用户输入的单词中出现的给定字符串数量: –

 import java.util.Scanner; public class CountingOccurences { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner inp= new Scanner(System.in); String str; char ch; int count=0; System.out.println("Enter the string:"); str=inp.nextLine(); while(str.length()>0) { ch=str.charAt(0); int i=0; while(str.charAt(i)==ch) { count =count+i; i++; } str.substring(count); System.out.println(ch); System.out.println(count); } } } 
 int count = (line.length() - line.replace("str", "").length())/"str".length(); 


 int count = CharAdapter.adapt("abcd").count(c -> c == '.'); 

如果要计算多个字符,可以使用CharBag ,如下所示:

 CharBag bag = CharAdapter.adapt("abcd").toBag(); int count = bag.occurrencesOf('.'); 

注意:我是Eclipse Collections的提交者。