Java ServerSocketChannel SocketChannel(回调)

我正在努力学习Java。 我想实现一个简单的网络连接4游戏以及聊天function。





您需要使用选择器。 首先创建一个Selector来接收事件:

Selector selector = 


 SelectionKey acceptKey = server.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); 


 while(true){ //how many channel keys are available int available =; //select is blocking, but should only return if available is >0, this is more of a sanity check if(available == 0) continue; Iterator keys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while(keys.hasNext()){ SelectionKey key =; keys.remove(); //someone is trying to connect to the server socket if(key.isAcceptable()) doAccept(key); //someone is sending us data else if(key.isReadable()) doRead(key); //we are trying to (and can) send data else if(key.isWritable()) doWrite(key); } 

肉将在doAccept(),doRead()和doWrite()中。 对于接受键,选择键将包含用于创建新Socket的信息。

 doAccept(SelectionKey key){ //create the new socket SocketChannel socket = ((ServerSocketChannel); //make it non-blocking as well socket.configureBlocking(false); ... //here you would likely have some code to init your game objects / communication protocol, etc. and generate an identifier object (used below). //and be able to find the socket created above ... //Since it is non blocking it needs a selector as well, and we register for both read and write events SelectionKey socketKey = socket.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ|SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); // so we can identify the events as they come in socketKey.attach(someSocketIndentifier); } 

最后一行向键添加了一些对象,以便从选择器接收的事件可以归因于连接(例如,它可能是游戏中的玩家)。 所以现在你可以接受新的连接,你只需要读写。

 doRead(SelectionKey key){ //here we retrieve the key we attached earlier, so we now what to do / wheer the data is coming from MyIdentifierType myIdentifier = (MyIdentifierType)key.attachment(); //This is then used to get back to the SocketChannel and Read the Data myIdentifier.readTheData(); } 


 doWrite(SelectionKey key){ //here we retrieve the key we attached earlier, so we now what to do / wheer the data is coming from MyIdentifierType myIdentifier = (MyIdentifierType)key.attachment(); //This is then used to get back to the SocketChannel and Read the Data myIdentifier.getSocketHandler().writePendingData(); } 



 class MyNetworkClass{ ByteBuffer writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); SocketChannel commchannel; //from the server accept processing ... public void write(byte[] data){ //here the class writeBuffer object is filled with the data //but it isn't actually sent over the socket ... } public void writePendingData(){ //here actually write the data to the socket commchannel.write(writeBuffer); } } 

请注意,如果不是缓冲区中的所有数据都写入套接字,则需要适当的代码来管理类中的缓冲区(如果它已满),或者在写入暂挂方法中适当地修改缓冲区,以及在此过程中可能抛出的各种exception。 希望这有助于您入门。