
我正在实现一个将由外部Java和PHP客户端使用的JAX-WS Web服务。



基本的WS-Security可以与插入JAAS的Java和PHP客户端(以及其他客户端)一起使用,以提供数据库后端。 如何实现这种取决于你的容器。 使用@RolesAllowed批注对Web服务方法进行批注,以控制调用用户必须具有的角色。 所有J2EE容器都将提供一些机制来指定应该对哪些JAAS领域用户进行身份validation。 例如,在Glassfish中,您可以使用管理控制台来管理领域,用户和组。 然后在application.xml中指定领域和组到角色映射。


使用JBoss中的JBoss WS ,它更容易。



  • 使用HTTP请求标头中的用户名和密码参数进行身份validation
  • 使用HTTP基本身份validation进行身份验

请注意,我们的Web服务的所有流量都通过SSL安全连接进行路由。 因此,无法嗅探密码。 当然,也可以选择带有摘要的HTTP身份validation – 请参阅这个有趣的网站以获取更多相关信息。


//First, try authenticating against two predefined parameters in the HTTP //Request Header: 'Username' and 'Password'. public static String authenticate(MessageContext mctx) { String s = "Login failed. Please provide a valid 'Username' and 'Password' in the HTTP header."; // Get username and password from the HTTP Header Map httpHeaders = (Map) mctx.get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS); String username = null; String password = null; List userList = (List) httpHeaders.get("Username"); List passList = (List) httpHeaders.get("Password"); // first try our username/password header authentication if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(userList) && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(passList)) { username = userList.get(0).toString(); password = passList.get(0).toString(); } // No username found - try HTTP basic authentication if (username == null) { List auth = (List) httpHeaders.get("Authorization"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(auth)) { String[] authArray = authorizeBasic(auth.get(0).toString()); if (authArray != null) { username = authArray[0]; password = authArray[1]; } } } if (username != null && password != null) { try { // Perform the authentication - eg against credentials from a DB, Realm or other return authenticate(username, password); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); return s; } } return s; } /** * return username and password for basic authentication * * @param authorizeString * @return */ public static String[] authorizeBasic(String authorizeString) { if (authorizeString != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(authorizeString); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String basic = st.nextToken(); if (basic.equalsIgnoreCase("Basic")) { String credentials = st.nextToken(); String userPass = new String( Base64.decodeBase64(credentials.getBytes())); String[] userPassArray = userPass.split(":"); if (userPassArray != null && userPassArray.length == 2) { String userId = userPassArray[0]; String userPassword = userPassArray[1]; return new String[] { userId, userPassword }; } } } } return null; } 

使用我们预定义的“用户名”和“密码”参数的第一次身份validation对于使用SOAP-UI的集成测试人员特别有用(虽然我不能完全确定是否也无法使用HTTP基本身份validation来使用SOAP-UI )。 然后,第二次身份validation尝试使用HTTP基本身份validation提供的参数。

为了拦截对Web Service的每次调用,我们在每个端点上定义一个处理程序:

 @HandlerChain(file = "../../../../../handlers.xml") @SchemaValidation(handler = SchemaValidationErrorHandler.class) public class DeliveryEndpointImpl implements DeliveryEndpoint { 


    AuthenticationHandler mywebservice.handler.AuthenticationHandler    

如您所见,处理程序指向AuthenticationHandler,它拦截对Web Service端点的每次调用。 这是身份validation处理程序:

 public class AuthenticationHandler implements SOAPHandler { /** * Logger */ public static final Log log = LogFactory .getLog(AuthenticationHandler.class); /** * The method is used to handle all incoming messages and to authenticate * the user * * @param context * The message context which is used to retrieve the username and * the password * @return True if the method was successfully handled and if the request * may be forwarded to the respective handling methods. False if the * request may not be further processed. */ @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) { // Only inbound messages must be authenticated boolean isOutbound = (Boolean) context .get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); if (!isOutbound) { // Authenticate the call String s = EbsUtils.authenticate(context); if (s != null) { log.info("Call to Web Service operation failed due to wrong user credentials. Error details: " + s); // Return a fault with an access denied error code (101) generateSOAPErrMessage( context.getMessage(), ServiceErrorCodes.ACCESS_DENIED, ServiceErrorCodes .getErrorCodeDescription(ServiceErrorCodes.ACCESS_DENIED), s); return false; } } return true; } /** * Generate a SOAP error message * * @param msg * The SOAP message * @param code * The error code * @param reason * The reason for the error */ private void generateSOAPErrMessage(SOAPMessage msg, String code, String reason, String detail) { try { SOAPBody soapBody = msg.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody(); SOAPFault soapFault = soapBody.addFault(); soapFault.setFaultCode(code); soapFault.setFaultString(reason); // Manually crate a failure element in order to guarentee that this // authentication handler returns the same type of soap fault as the // rest // of the application QName failureElement = new QName( "http://yournamespacehere.com", "Failure", "ns3"); QName codeElement = new QName("Code"); QName reasonElement = new QName("Reason"); QName detailElement = new QName("Detail"); soapFault.addDetail().addDetailEntry(failureElement) .addChildElement(codeElement).addTextNode(code) .getParentElement().addChildElement(reasonElement) .addTextNode(reason).getParentElement() .addChildElement(detailElement).addTextNode(detail); throw new SOAPFaultException(soapFault); } catch (SOAPException e) { } } /** * Handles faults */ @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext context) { // do nothing return false; } /** * Close - not used */ @Override public void close(MessageContext context) { // do nothing } /** * Get headers - not used */ @Override public Set getHeaders() { return null; } } 

在AuthenticationHandler中,我们调用了authenticate()方法,如上所述。 请注意,如果身份validation出现问题,我们会创建一个名为“Failure”的手动SOAP故障。

有没有独立于当前容器的方法? 我想定义哪个类负责授权。 该类可以调用数据库或在其他地方使用密码。