

IE server.port=1234 

 { "server": { "host": "", "port": 1234 } } 

不是简单的方法,但我设法使用Gson库。 结果将在jsonBundle字符串中。 在这里我们获取这种情况下的属性或包:

 final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages"); final Map bundleMap = resourceBundleToMap(bundle); final Type mapType = new TypeToken>(){}.getType(); final String jsonBundle = new GsonBuilder() .registerTypeAdapter(mapType, new BundleMapSerializer()) .create() .toJson(bundleMap, mapType); 


 private static Map resourceBundleToMap(final ResourceBundle bundle) { final Map bundleMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String key: bundle.keySet()) { final String value = bundle.getString(key); bundleMap.put(key, value); } return bundleMap; } 


 public class BundleMapSerializer implements JsonSerializer> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BundleMapSerializer.class); @Override public JsonElement serialize(final Map bundleMap, final Type typeOfSrc, final JsonSerializationContext context) { final JsonObject resultJson = new JsonObject(); for (final String key: bundleMap.keySet()) { try { createFromBundleKey(resultJson, key, bundleMap.get(key)); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Bundle map serialization exception: ", e); } } return resultJson; } } 


 public static JsonObject createFromBundleKey(final JsonObject resultJson, final String key, final String value) throws IOException { if (!key.contains(".")) { resultJson.addProperty(key, value); return resultJson; } final String currentKey = firstKey(key); if (currentKey != null) { final String subRightKey = key.substring(currentKey.length() + 1, key.length()); final JsonObject childJson = getJsonIfExists(resultJson, currentKey); resultJson.add(currentKey, createFromBundleKey(childJson, subRightKey, value)); } return resultJson; } private static String firstKey(final String fullKey) { final String[] splittedKey = fullKey.split("\\."); return (splittedKey.length != 0) ? splittedKey[0] : fullKey; } private static JsonObject getJsonIfExists(final JsonObject parent, final String key) { if (parent == null) { LOGGER.warn("Parent json parameter is null!"); return null; } if (parent.get(key) != null && !(parent.get(key) instanceof JsonObject)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key \'" + key + "\' for parent: " + parent + "\nKey can not be JSON object and property or array in one time"); } if (parent.getAsJsonObject(key) != null) { return parent.getAsJsonObject(key); } else { return new JsonObject(); } } 

最后,如果有一个关键的值为John ,它将被转换为这样的JSON

 { "person" : { "name" : { "firstname" : "John" } } } 


这很简单,下载并添加到您的lib: https : //

 Gson gsonObj = new Gson(); String strJson = gsonObj.toJson(yourObject); 

看看这个 。 您可以手动使用它,也可以在项目中使用它。

一点点递归和Gson 🙂

 public void run() throws IOException { Properties properties = ...; Map map = new TreeMap<>(); for (Object key : properties.keySet()) { List keyList = Arrays.asList(((String) key).split("\\.")); Map valueMap = createTree(keyList, map); String value = properties.getProperty((String) key); value = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(value); valueMap.put(keyList.get(keyList.size() - 1), value); } Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); String json = gson.toJson(map); System.out.println("Ready, converts " + properties.size() + " entries."); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map createTree(List keys, Map map) { Map valueMap = (Map) map.get(keys.get(0)); if (valueMap == null) { valueMap = new HashMap(); } map.put(keys.get(0), valueMap); Map out = valueMap; if (keys.size() > 2) { out = createTree(keys.subList(1, keys.size()), valueMap); } return out; } 



 void recurseCreateMaps(Map currentMap, String key, String value) { if (key.contains(".")) { String currentKey = key.split("\\.")[0]; Map deeperMap; if (currentMap.get(currentKey) instanceof Map) { deeperMap = (Map) currentMap.get(currentKey); } else { deeperMap = new HashMap<>(); currentMap.put(currentKey, deeperMap); } recurseCreateMaps(deeperMap, key.substring(key.indexOf('.') + 1), value); } else { currentMap.put(key, value); } } 



  • 来自Java属性(java.util.Properties)
  • 来自Map(import java.util.Map) – > Map
  • 来自InputStream的属性(
  • 来自带有属性的文件(
  • 从具有属性的给定文件本地化

下面的变量“properties”应该被认为是上述类型之一:java.util.Properties,Map ,


 import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.util.PropertiesToJsonConverter; ... Properties properties = ....; String jsonFromProperties = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().parseToJson(properties); InputStream inputStream = ....; String jsonFromInputStream = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().parseToJson(inputStream); Map mapProperties = ....; String jsonFromInputProperties = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().parseToJson(mapProperties); String jsonFromFilePath = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().parsePropertiesFromFileToJson("/home/user/"); String jsonFromFile = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().parsePropertiesFromFileToJson(new File("/home/user/")); 


   pl.jalokim.propertiestojson java-properties-to-json 3.1  

依赖需要java 7。


试试这个 ,你会发现几个与json一起工作的课程。



  URL url = new URL(""); try (InputStream is = url.openStream(); JsonReader rdr = Json.createReader(is)) { JsonObject obj = rdr.readObject(); // from this line forward you got what you want :D } } 
