

任何想法如何使用O(1)额外的空间和O(n)时间? (如果可能的话,没有反思)?
签名是public void reverse(List list)



 public  void reverseAux(List list,int size) { if (size == 0) return; T elem = list.remove(size-1); reverseAux(list,size-1); list.add(0,elem); } public  void reverse(List list) { reverseAux(list, list.size()); } 

编辑:我正在寻找一个java解决方案,对于List ,只有实现的假设是头部和尾部的访问时间O(1),并使用List接口。

只需阅读以下内容之一即可。 这是你在谈论的事情。









 ListIterator head = list.listIterator(); ListIterator tail = list.listIterator(size);//assuming this can be done in O(1) though O(n) doesn't hurt that much and total is still O(n) while(head.nextIndex() 

你已经知道了长度。 所以只需使用1个临时变量并从索引0开始,继续交换列表[0]并列出[length -1],然后列出[1]并列出[length-2],依此类推。 O(n)时间和O(1)空间为1个临时变量。

编辑:刚刚注意到你假设O(n)访问列表的中间位置。 好吧。 没关系。

或者,存储你交换的两个元素的下一个/前一个指针向中间移动(假设它是一个双向链表)。 然后你得到O(n)时间。


  private static void reverseLinkedList() {//O(n) Time complexity, O(1) space complexity //two temp pointers Node next = null, previous = null; while(head.next != null){ next = head.next;//move next to next address head.next = previous; //previous node will be the next node for head, so that head will point reverse previous = head; //incrementing previous to the current node head = next; //incrementing head } //at this point head points to last node and previous has the remaining reversed array head.next = previous; System.out.println("\nReversed"); } 


  package com.test; public class LinkedListReverse { private static Node head; public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 0 ; i< 10 ; i++){ addToLinkedList(i); } System.out.println("Added Data"); printLinkedList(); reverseLinkedList(); printLinkedList(); } private static void reverseLinkedList() {//O(n) Time complexity, O(1) space complexity //two temp pointers Node next = null, previous = null; while(head.next != null){ next = head.next;//move next to next address head.next = previous; //previous node will be the next node for head, so that head will point reverse previous = head; //incrementing previous to the current node head = next; //incrementing head } //at this point head points to last node and previous has the remaining reversed array head.next = previous; System.out.println("\nReversed"); } /* Logic for adding and printing linked list*/ private static void printLinkedList() { System.out.println("Printing linked list"); Node temp = head; while(temp.next != null){ System.out.print(temp.value+" "); temp = temp.next; } System.out.print(temp.value+" ");//print the value at the last node } private static void addToLinkedList(int value){ if(head == null){ head = new Node(value, null); }else{ Node temp = head; while(temp.next != null){ temp = temp.next; } temp.next = new Node(value, null); } } } //Linked List definition class Node{ int value; Node next; public Node(int value, Node next){ this.value = value; this.next = next; } } 


 Added Data Printing linked list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reversed Printing linked list 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 

希望能帮助到你 :)

ListIterator接口是你正在寻找的(在合理的假设下,有问题的列表完全支持它; ArrayListLinkedList都这样做):

 ListIterator fwd = list.listIterator(); ListIterator back = list.listIterator(list.size()); while (fwd.nextIndex() < back.previousIndex()) { T tmp = fwd.next(); fwd.set(back.previous()); back.set(tmp); } 


如上所述,在一般情况下,这是不可行的,您需要假设某些操作的复杂性。 如果迭代器有常量时间next()previous() ,请使用已经给出的解决方案。 它应该适用于LinkedList和ArrayList。

我想到了一个适用于单链表的解决方案(但不适用于像ArrayList这样的东西),但遗憾的是ListIterators add方法在光标之前而不是之后插入元素,因此List + ListIterator无法实现接口(如果我们无法修补ListIterator实现来缓存预插入元素以允许在O(1)中add后的单个previous() ))。


 /** * reverses a singly linked list. * @param first the fist node. This will be the new last node. * @param last the last node. This will be the new first node. */ void reverseList(Node first, Node last) { while(first != last) { Node temp = first; first = temp.next; temp.next = last.next; last.next = temp; } } 


 public void reverseList(List list) { int index = list.size() -1; while(n > 0) { T element = list.remove(0); list.add(n, element); n--; } } 


 public void reverseList(List list) { ListIterator it = list.listIterator(list.size()); while(it.previousIndex() > 0) { // we could count ourself here, too T element = list.remove(0); it.add(element); it.previous(); } } 

当然,通常的单链表实现将不具有O(1) previous实现,因此它将不在那里工作,如前所述。 (并且它们可能抛出ConcurrentModificationException,或返回错误的previousIndex 。)

从合并排序或快速排序等比较排序中获得的最佳性能是O(nlogn)。 您可以通过基数排序等非比较排序获得O(n)性能。

如果要反转链接列表,则可以使用仅3个额外项目在O(n)时间内反转列表。 您需要3个指针来跟踪您当前指向的内容,当前项目之前的内容以及当前项目之后的内容。 代码是:

 Node current = head; Node next = null; Node prev = null; while (current != null) { next = current.next; current.next = prev; prev = current; current = next; } return prev; 
  public LinkedList Reverse(LinkedList head) { if (head == null) return null; // first question if (head.Next == null) return head; // second question // third question // so we grab the second element (which will be the last after we reverse it) LinkedList secondElem = head.Next; // bug fix - need to unlink list from the rest or you will get a cycle head.Next = null; // then we reverse everything from the second element on LinkedList reverseRest = Reverse(secondElem); // then we join the two lists secondElem.Next = head; return reverseRest; }