


double two = total[2]; double three = total[3]; double four = total[3]; double five = total[4]; double six = total[6]; double seven = total[7]; double eight = total[8]; double nine = total[9]; double ten = total[10]; double eleven = average_total; mean = one + two + three + four + five + six + seven + eight + nine + ten + eleven; mean = mean/11; //one = one - mean; //System.out.println("I really hope this prints out a value:" +one); */ //eleven = average_total - mean; //eleven = Math.pow(average_total,average_total); //stand_dev = (one + two + three + four + five + six + seven + eight + nine + ten + eleven); //stand_dev = stand_dev - mean; // stand_dev = (stand_dev - mean) * (stand_dev - mean); // stand_dev = (stand_dev/11); // stand_dev = Math.sqrt(stand_dev); 



  calculate mean of array. loop through values array value = (indexed value - mean)^2 calculate sum of the new array. divide the sum by the array length square root it 



 // calculating mean. int total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ total += array[i]; // this is the calculation for summing up all the values } double mean = total / array.length; 




eleven = average_total - mean;
eleven = Math.pow(average_total,average_total);


 for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ array[i] = Math.pow((array[i]-mean),2) } 

基本上你需要用newvalue = oldvalue - mean(average)来改变数组中的每个值。


有一个简单的公式可以用来在每次添加数字时快速计算标准偏差。 下面是一些实现该公式的代码,假设已经声明并填充了total[]

 double powerSum1 = 0; double powerSum2 = 0; double stdev = 0; for i = 0 to total.length { powerSum1 += total[i]; powerSum2 += Math.pow(total[i], 2); stdev = Math.sqrt(i*powerSum2 - Math.pow(powerSum1, 2))/i; System.out.println(total[i]); // You specified that you needed to print // each value of the array } System.out.println(stdev); // This could also be placed inside the loop // for updates with each array value. 



 Loop over array i=1 to 10 Add each element to some other variable Total End of Loop Average = Total / 10 (required for your std. dev. equation) 

现在你需要从平均值中找出元素的距离。 简单

 Loop over array i = 1 to 10 Replace each element with its distance from Average Squared Add to some variable differenceTotal End of Loop 

然后你有你的分子和分母术语,你的解决方案应该是显而易见的。 希望这有点清楚,有帮助。


 import java.io.IOException; public class StandardDeviationCalc { /** * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double [] values = {9, 2, 5, 4, 12, 7, 8, 11, 9, 3, 7, 4, 12, 5, 4, 10, 9, 6, 9, 4 }; //change input values here double sum=0; double finalsum = 0; double average = 0; for( double i : values) { finalsum = (sum += i); } average = finalsum/(values.length); System.out.println("Average: "+ average); double sumX=0; double finalsumX=0; double[] x1_average = new double[2000]; for (int i = 0; i 

你可以调整你想要添加用户输入的方式。代码很粗糙,因为我认为这是一个功课。 尽量以自己的方式让它变得美好。 希望它能帮助你。



 for(int i = 0; i < yourArray.length; i++) { System.out.println(yourArray[i]); // Add your code to calculate the values you need for standard dev }