如何使用Dropwizard 1.0.2中的LoggingFeature打印服务器响应?

以下代码导致在Dropwizard 0.9.2和1.0.2中打印JSON服务器响应:

return ClientBuilder .newBuilder() .build() .register(new LoggingFilter(Logger.getLogger(LoggingFilter.class.getName()), true)) 


 Oct 21, 2016 7:57:42 AM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log INFO: 1 * Client response received on thread main 1 < 401 1 < Connection: keep-alive 1 < Content-Length: 49 1 < Content-Type: text/plain 1 < Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:57:42 GMT 1 < Server: […] 1 < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="[…]" Credentials are required to access this resource. javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException: HTTP 401 Unauthorized 

但是, LoggingFilter在1.0.2中已弃用,建议使用LoggingFeature 。 在LoggingFeature的文档中,它说默认的详细程度是LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT ,所以我希望以下代码仍然在Dropwizard 1.0.2中打印JSON服务器响应:

 return ClientBuilder .newBuilder() .build() .register(new LoggingFeature(Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()))) 


 javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException: HTTP 401 Unauthorized 


 new LoggingFeature(Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()), Level.OFF, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT, 8192) 

我猜测客户端中的日志记录function就像filter一样 ,而不是像预期的那样包含。


 private static final LOG = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); public void test() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder() .register(new LoggingFeature(LOG, Level.FINE, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ALL, 8192)) .build(); // all requests and responses using this client will now be logged // with the log-level FINE to the logger LOG, but the logger // will simply ignore them, because it's default level is INFO } 

创建的记录器实例LOG使用默认日志级别,即INFO。 这意味着它将接受级别至少为INFO或更高级别的所有日志消息(WARNING,SEVERE,…),但它将忽略具有较低级别的所有消息,如FINE。 (它仍会将消息传递给它的父记录器,如果有的话)




 new LoggingFeature(LOG, Level.INFO, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ALL, 8192) 



所以 – 我测试了这个。 这可能是有关记录器配置和function配置的问题,而不是实际function。 我给你的提示确实打印了你想要的东西,这是证据:

 public class MainClientTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Client build = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build(); // Configure Logger to log it all Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("test"); logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); logger.setUseParentHandlers(false); Handler[] handlers = logger.getHandlers(); for(Handler h : handlers) logger.removeHandler(h); logger.addHandler(buildseh()); logger.info("Logger"); build = build.register(new LoggingFeature(logger, Level.ALL, Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY, null)); build.target("https://www.google.com").request().get(); } public static StreamHandler buildseh() { final StreamHandler seh = new StreamHandler(System.err, new JdkLoggerFormatter()) { @Override public synchronized void publish(final LogRecord record) { super.publish(record); flush(); } }; seh.setLevel(Level.ALL); // Default StdErr Setting return seh; } } 


 1477055066111 I test Logger 1477055066397 test 1 * Sending client request on thread main 1 > GET https://www.google.com 1477055067350 test 1 * Client response received on thread main 1 < 200 1 < Accept-Ranges: none 1 < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34,33,32" 1 < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 1 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 1 < Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:04:27 GMT 1 < Expires: -1 1 < P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See https://www.google.com/support/accounts/answer/151657?hl=en for more info." 1 < Server: gws 1 < Set-Cookie: NID=89=YPr3UcI5rcA4qiaXfm9zkA0uAWrnSDEbxN3TcFuhZ9PkLNvkSHBCHHLcYeXa7tNpzpM_9p7AFAreYq3kR9awqqKrhv5W6pWavfx5bZM7Jjbt559a4aEv20exEPJRmS1N; expires=Sat, 22-Apr-2017 13:04:27 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.co.uk; HttpOnly 1 < Transfer-Encoding: chunked 1 < Vary: Accept-Encoding 1 < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN 1 < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Google 


您的function必须配置正确的级别。 看到:

 new LoggingFeature(logger, Level.ALL, Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY, null) 


 seh.setLevel(Level.ALL); // Default StdErr Setting logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); 

该function必须具有正确的详细程度: Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY




对我来说,@ l0b0的解决方案确实记录了请求/响应有效负载,但我的访问日志将请求和响应记录为错误。 以下行对我来说正常工作:

 new LoggingFeature(Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()), Level.INFO, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT, 8192) 


您需要覆盖LoggingFeature方法public boolean configure(FeatureContext context)并使用上下文注册CustomLoggingFeature对象

 @Override public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) { context.register(this); return true; } 





 environment.jersey().register(new CustomLoggingFeature(Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()), Level.INFO, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY, 8192)); 

我正在使用Dropwizard v1.3.5


 public class CustomLoggingFeature extends LoggingFeature implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter, ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter, WriterInterceptor { private static final boolean printEntity = true; private static final int maxEntitySize = 8 * 1024; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("CustomLoggingFeature"); private static final String ENTITY_LOGGER_PROPERTY = CustomLoggingFeature.class.getName(); private static final String NOTIFICATION_PREFIX = "* "; private static final String REQUEST_PREFIX = "> "; private static final String RESPONSE_PREFIX = "< "; private static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization"; private static final String EQUAL = " = "; private static final String HEADERS_SEPARATOR = ", "; private static List requestHeaders; static { requestHeaders = new ArrayList<>(); requestHeaders.add(AUTHORIZATION); } public CustomLoggingFeature(Logger logger, Level level, Verbosity verbosity, Integer maxEntitySize) { super(logger, level, verbosity, maxEntitySize); } @Override public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) { context.register(this); return true; } @Override public void filter(final ClientRequestContext context) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); printHeaders(b, context.getStringHeaders()); printRequestLine(b, "Sending client request", context.getMethod(), context.getUri()); if (printEntity && context.hasEntity()) { final OutputStream stream = new LoggingStream(b, context.getEntityStream()); context.setEntityStream(stream); context.setProperty(ENTITY_LOGGER_PROPERTY, stream); // not calling log(b) here - it will be called by the interceptor } else { log(b); } } @Override public void filter(final ClientRequestContext requestContext, final ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); printResponseLine(b, "Client response received", responseContext.getStatus()); if (printEntity && responseContext.hasEntity()) { responseContext.setEntityStream(logInboundEntity(b, responseContext.getEntityStream(), MessageUtils.getCharset(responseContext.getMediaType()))); } log(b); } @Override public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext context) throws IOException { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); printHeaders(b, context.getHeaders()); printRequestLine(b, "Server has received a request", context.getMethod(), context.getUriInfo().getRequestUri()); if (printEntity && context.hasEntity()) { context.setEntityStream(logInboundEntity(b, context.getEntityStream(), MessageUtils.getCharset(context.getMediaType()))); } log(b); } @Override public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext requestContext, final ContainerResponseContext responseContext) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); printResponseLine(b, "Server responded with a response", responseContext.getStatus()); if (printEntity && responseContext.hasEntity()) { final OutputStream stream = new LoggingStream(b, responseContext.getEntityStream()); responseContext.setEntityStream(stream); requestContext.setProperty(ENTITY_LOGGER_PROPERTY, stream); // not calling log(b) here - it will be called by the interceptor } else { log(b); } } @Override public void aroundWriteTo(final WriterInterceptorContext writerInterceptorContext) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { final LoggingStream stream = (LoggingStream) writerInterceptorContext.getProperty(ENTITY_LOGGER_PROPERTY); writerInterceptorContext.proceed(); if (stream != null) { log(stream.getStringBuilder(MessageUtils.getCharset(writerInterceptorContext.getMediaType()))); } } private static class LoggingStream extends FilterOutputStream { private final StringBuilder b; private final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); LoggingStream(final StringBuilder b, final OutputStream inner) { super(inner); this.b = b; } StringBuilder getStringBuilder(Charset charset) { // write entity to the builder final byte[] entity = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); b.append(new String(entity, 0, Math.min(entity.length, maxEntitySize), charset)); if (entity.length > maxEntitySize) { b.append("...more..."); } b.append('\n'); return b; } public void write(final int i) throws IOException { if (byteArrayOutputStream.size() <= maxEntitySize) { byteArrayOutputStream.write(i); } out.write(i); } } private void printHeaders(StringBuilder b, MultivaluedMap headers) { for (String header : requestHeaders) { if (Objects.nonNull(headers.get(header))) { b.append(header).append(EQUAL).append(headers.get(header)).append(HEADERS_SEPARATOR); } } int lastIndex = b.lastIndexOf(HEADERS_SEPARATOR); if (lastIndex != -1) { b.delete(lastIndex, lastIndex + HEADERS_SEPARATOR.length()); b.append("\n"); } } private void log(final StringBuilder b) { String message = Util.mask(b.toString()); if (logger != null) { logger.info(message); } } private void printRequestLine(final StringBuilder b, final String note, final String method, final URI uri) { b.append(NOTIFICATION_PREFIX) .append(note) .append(" on thread ").append(Thread.currentThread().getId()) .append(REQUEST_PREFIX).append(method).append(" ") .append(uri.toASCIIString()).append("\n"); } private void printResponseLine(final StringBuilder b, final String note, final int status) { b.append(NOTIFICATION_PREFIX) .append(note) .append(" on thread ").append(Thread.currentThread().getId()) .append(RESPONSE_PREFIX) .append(Integer.toString(status)) .append("\n"); } private InputStream logInboundEntity(final StringBuilder b, InputStream stream, final Charset charset) throws IOException { if (!stream.markSupported()) { stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream); } stream.mark(maxEntitySize + 1); final byte[] entity = new byte[maxEntitySize + 1]; final int entitySize = stream.read(entity); b.append(new String(entity, 0, Math.min(entitySize, maxEntitySize), charset)); if (entitySize > maxEntitySize) { b.append("...more..."); } b.append('\n'); stream.reset(); return stream; }