


@Override public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); GLU glu = new GLU(); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //make sure we are in model_view mode gl.glMatrixMode(GL2.GL_MODELVIEW); gl.glLoadIdentity(); glu.gluLookAt(10,20,20,0,3,0,0, 20, 0); //gl.glMatrixMode(GL2.GL_PROJECTION); //glu.gluPerspective(45,1,1,25); //render ground plane gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(-10.75f, 3.0f, -1.0f); gl.glColor3f(0.3f, 0.5f, 1f); GLUquadric earth = glu.gluNewQuadric(); glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(earth, GLU.GLU_FILL); glu.gluQuadricNormals(earth, GLU.GLU_FLAT); glu.gluQuadricOrientation(earth, GLU.GLU_OUTSIDE); final float radius = 3.378f; final int slices = 89; final int stacks = 16; glu.gluSphere(earth, radius, slices, stacks); glu.gluDeleteQuadric(earth); Texture earths; try { earths = TextureIO.newTexture(new File("earth.png"), true); } catch (IOException e) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e); } gl.glPopMatrix(); //gl.glEnd(); gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(2.75f, 3.0f, -0.0f); gl.glColor3f(0.3f, 0.5f, 1f); GLUquadric earth1 = glu.gluNewQuadric(); glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(earth1, GLU.GLU_FILL); glu.gluQuadricNormals(earth1, GLU.GLU_FLAT); glu.gluQuadricOrientation(earth1, GLU.GLU_OUTSIDE); final float radius1 = 3.378f; final int slices1 = 90; final int stacks1 = 63; glu.gluSphere(earth1, radius1, slices1, stacks1); glu.gluDeleteQuadric(earth1); gl.glPopMatrix(); gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(3.75f, 6.0f, -7.20f); gl.glColor3f(0.3f, 0.5f, 1f); GLUquadric earth3 = glu.gluNewQuadric(); glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(earth3, GLU.GLU_FILL); glu.gluQuadricNormals(earth3, GLU.GLU_FLAT); glu.gluQuadricOrientation(earth1, GLU.GLU_OUTSIDE); final float radius3 = 1.878f; final int slices3 = 89; final int stacks3 = 16; glu.gluSphere(earth3, radius3, slices3, stacks3); glu.gluDeleteQuadric(earth3); gl.glPopMatrix(); gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(12.75f, 2.0f, -7.20f); gl.glColor3f(0.3f, 0.5f, 1f); GLUquadric earth4 = glu.gluNewQuadric(); glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(earth4, GLU.GLU_FILL); glu.gluQuadricNormals(earth4, GLU.GLU_FLAT); glu.gluQuadricOrientation(earth4, GLU.GLU_OUTSIDE); final float radius4 = 1.078f; final int slices4 = 89; final int stacks4 = 16; glu.gluSphere(earth4, radius4, slices4, stacks4); glu.gluDeleteQuadric(earth4); gl.glPopMatrix(); gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(2.75f, -6.0f, -0.0f); gl.glColor3f(0.3f, 0.5f, 1f); GLUquadric earth5 = glu.gluNewQuadric(); glu.gluQuadricDrawStyle(earth5, GLU.GLU_FILL); glu.gluQuadricNormals(earth5, GLU.GLU_FLAT); glu.gluQuadricOrientation(earth5, GLU.GLU_OUTSIDE); final float radius5 = 3.778f; final int slices5 = 90; final int stacks5 = 63; glu.gluSphere(earth5, radius5, slices5, stacks5); glu.gluDeleteQuadric(earth5); gl.glPopMatrix(); } 

  1. 创建自己的球体网格

    通过2个角度的简单2D环(球面坐标系2笛卡尔坐标)。 如果想要更高的精度,可以轻松添加椭球属性(地球不是球体)。 如果没有,则可以对所有行星使用单球面网格,并在使用之前进行缩放…

    a是经度, b是纬度,所以从02*PI [rad]循环ab-0.5*PI+0.5*PI [rad]其中PI=3.1415...是Pi(在C ++数学中) .h它被称为M_PI )。 如果你的数学api使用度数然后转换为度数PI [rad] = 180.0 [deg]

  2. 每个顶点添加必要的信息


      // just unit sphere nx=cos(b)*cos(a); ny=cos(b)*sin(a); nz=sin(b); 


      // just convert a,b to <0,1> range tx=a/(2.0*PI) ty=(b/PI)+0.5; 



      // just sphere(rx=ry=rz=r) or ellipsoid (rx=ry=equatorial and rz=polar radius) // can also use rx*nx,ry*ny,rz*nz instead ... x=rx*cos(b)*cos(a); y=ry*cos(b)*sin(a); z=rz*sin(b); 
  3. 将所有这些发送给OpenGL

    所以以上都存储在一些内存空间( CPUGPU )中,然后发送到渲染。 您可以使用遗留glBegin(QUAD_STRIP); ... glEnd(); glBegin(QUAD_STRIP); ... glEnd(); 或者displaylist / VBO / VAO。 在每个行星/身体之前绑定正确的纹理,并且不要忘记更新ModelView矩阵。 这是我的坐标系看起来像:



  • 现实的n体太阳系
  • 球体网格细分

[edit1] C ++示例

 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int nb=15; // slices const int na=nb<<1; // points per equator class planet { public: bool _init; // has been initiated ? GLfloat x0,y0,z0; // center of planet [GCS] GLfloat pos[na][nb][3]; // vertex GLfloat nor[na][nb][3]; // normal GLfloat txr[na][nb][2]; // texcoord GLuint txrid; // texture id GLfloat t; // dayly rotation angle [deg] planet() { _init=false; txrid=0; x0=0.0; y0=0.0; z0=0.0; t=0.0; } ~planet() { if (_init) glDeleteTextures(1,&txrid); } void init(GLfloat r,AnsiString texture); // call after OpenGL is already working !!! void draw(); }; void planet::init(GLfloat r,AnsiString texture) { if (!_init) { _init=true; glGenTextures(1,&txrid); } GLfloat x,y,z,a,b,da,db; GLfloat tx0,tdx,ty0,tdy;// just correction if CLAMP_TO_EDGE is not available int ia,ib; // a,b to texture coordinate system tx0=0.0; ty0=0.5; tdx=0.5/M_PI; tdy=1.0/M_PI; // load texture to GPU memory if (texture!="") { Byte q; unsigned int *pp; int xs,ys,x,y,adr,*txr; union { unsigned int c32; Byte db[4]; } c; Graphics::TBitmap *bmp=new Graphics::TBitmap; // new bmp bmp->LoadFromFile(texture); // load from file bmp->HandleType=bmDIB; // allow direct access to pixels bmp->PixelFormat=pf32bit; // set pixel to 32bit so int is the same size as pixel xs=bmp->Width; // resolution should be power of 2 ys=bmp->Height; txr=new int[xs*ys]; for(adr=0,y=0;yScanLine[y]; for(x=0;x txr[] c.c32=pp[x]; q =c.db[2]; c.db[2]=c.db[0]; c.db[0]=q; txr[adr]=c.c32; } } glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,txrid); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL_MODULATE); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, xs, ys, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, txr); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); delete bmp; delete[] txr; // texture coordinates by 1 pixel from each edge (GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) tx0+=1.0/GLfloat(xs); ty0+=1.0/GLfloat(ys); tdx*=GLfloat(xs-2)/GLfloat(xs); tdy*=GLfloat(ys-2)/GLfloat(ys); } // correct texture coordinate system (invert x) tx0=1.0-tx0; tdx=-tdx; da=(2.0*M_PI)/GLfloat(na-1); db= M_PI /GLfloat(nb-1); for (ib=0,b=-0.5*M_PI;ib 


 // variable to store planet (global) planet earth; // init after OpenGL initialisation earth.init(1.0,"earth.bmp"); // position update earth.x0= 0.0; earth.y0= 0.0; earth.z0=-20.0; // add this to render loop earth.draw(); // draws the planet earth.t+=2.5; // just rotate planet by 2.5 deg each frame... 


我知道它的丑陋,但它没有使用任何有趣的东西只是传统的OpenGLMath.hcos(),sin(),M_PI )和VCL的位图加载。 所以重写你的环境,你会没事的。 不要忘记每个行星都有自己的纹理,所以你需要每个行星有一个txrid ,所以要么将每个行星作为单独的planet变量或重写......