
我正在研究一个难题,包括分析所有大小的k子集并找出哪一个是最优的。 我写了一个解决方案,当子集的数量很少时可以工作,但是对于更大的问题,它会耗尽内存。 现在我正在尝试将用python编写的迭代函数转换为java,以便我可以在创建时分析每个子集,并且只获得表示它是如何优化的值,而不是整个集合,这样我就不会用完记忆。 这是我到目前为止所做的事情,即使是非常小的问题也似乎没有完成:

public static LinkedList<LinkedList> getSets(int k, LinkedList set) { int N = set.size(); int maxsets = nCr(N, k); LinkedList<LinkedList> toRet = new LinkedList<LinkedList>(); int remains, thresh; LinkedList newset; for (int i=0; i<maxsets; i++) { remains = k; newset = new LinkedList(); for (int val=1; val<=N; val++) { if (remains==0) break; thresh = nCr(N-val, remains-1); if (i < thresh) { newset.add(set.get(val-1)); remains --; } else { i -= thresh; } } toRet.add(newset); } return toRet; } 



首先,如果您打算对列表进行随机访问,则应选择一个有效支持该列表的列表实现。 从LinkedList上的javadoc:

对于双向链表,所有操作都可以预期。 索引到列表中的操作将从开头或结尾遍历列表,以较接近指定索引为准。

ArrayList的空间效率更高,随机访问速度更快。 实际上,既然你事先知道了长度,你甚至可以使用普通数组。

算法:让我们开始简单:如何生成大小为1的所有子集? 可能是这样的:

 for (int i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { int[] subset = {i}; process(subset); } 


现在,您将如何扩展它以适应大小为2的子集? 大小为2的子集与大小为1的子集之间的关系是什么? 那么,通过移除其最大元素,可以将大小为2的任何子集转换为大小为1的子集。 换句话说,可以通过获取大小为1的子集并添加大于集合中所有其他元素的新元素来生成大小为2的每个子集。 在代码中:

 processSubset(int[] set) { int subset = new int[2]; for (int i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { subset[0] = set[i]; processLargerSets(set, subset, i); } } void processLargerSets(int[] set, int[] subset, int i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < set.length; j++) { subset[1] = set[j]; process(subset); } } 

对于任意大小为k的子集,观察到大小为k的任何子集可以通过斩波最大元素而变成大小为k-1的子集。 也就是说,可以通过生成大小为k-1的所有子集来生成大小为k的所有子集,并且对于这些子集中的每一个,并且每个值大于子集中的最大值,将该值添加到该集合。 在代码中:

 static void processSubsets(int[] set, int k) { int[] subset = new int[k]; processLargerSubsets(set, subset, 0, 0); } static void processLargerSubsets(int[] set, int[] subset, int subsetSize, int nextIndex) { if (subsetSize == subset.length) { process(subset); } else { for (int j = nextIndex; j < set.length; j++) { subset[subsetSize] = set[j]; processLargerSubsets(set, subset, subsetSize + 1, j + 1); } } } 


 static void process(int[] subset) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(subset)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int[] set = {1,2,3,4,5}; processSubsets(set, 3); } 


您可以使用org.apache.commons.math3.util.Combinations 。


 import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Combinations; public class tmp { public static void main(String[] args) { for (Iterator iter = new Combinations(5, 3).iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(iter.next())); } } } 

输出:[0,1,2] [0,1,3] [0,2,3] [1,2,3] [0,1,4] [0,2,4] [1,2,4] ] [0,3,4] [1,3,4] [2,3,4]


在Java中,我想我可能不得不使用memoization来优化递归。 事实certificate,我找到了一种迭代方式。 我从这张来自维基百科的图片中获得了关于组合的文章的启发。


 public static int[][] combinations(int k, int[] set) { // binomial(N, K) int c = (int) binomial(set.length, k); // where all sets are stored int[][] res = new int[c][Math.max(0, k)]; // the k indexes (from set) where the red squares are // see image above int[] ind = k < 0 ? null : new int[k]; // initialize red squares for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { ind[i] = i; } // for every combination for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) { // get its elements (red square indexes) for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { res[i][j] = set[ind[j]]; } // update red squares, starting by the last int x = ind.length - 1; boolean loop; do { loop = false; // move to next ind[x] = ind[x] + 1; // if crossing boundaries, move previous if (ind[x] > set.length - (k - x)) { --x; loop = x >= 0; } else { // update every following square for (int x1 = x + 1; x1 < ind.length; ++x1) { ind[x1] = ind[x1 - 1] + 1; } } } while (loop); } return res; } 


 private static long binomial(int n, int k) { if (k < 0 || k > n) return 0; if (k > n - k) { // take advantage of symmetry k = n - k; } long c = 1; for (int i = 1; i < k+1; ++i) { c = c * (n - (k - i)); c = c / i; } return c; } 

在我自己的问题的背景下,最大可能的是大约2,000,000个子集。 我的机器在1032毫秒内计算出来了。

受afsantos答案的启发: – )…我决定编写一个C#.NET实现来生成一整套特定大小的所有子集组合。 它不需要计算可能子集的总数; 它会检测到达何时结束。 这里是:

 public static List generateAllSubsetCombinations(object[] fullSet, ulong subsetSize) { if (fullSet == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null.", "fullSet"); } else if (subsetSize < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Subset size must be 1 or greater.", "subsetSize"); } else if ((ulong)fullSet.LongLength < subsetSize) { throw new ArgumentException("Subset size cannot be greater than the total number of entries in the full set.", "subsetSize"); } // All possible subsets will be stored here List allSubsets = new List(); // Initialize current pick; will always be the leftmost consecutive x where x is subset size ulong[] currentPick = new ulong[subsetSize]; for (ulong i = 0; i < subsetSize; i++) { currentPick[i] = i; } while (true) { // Add this subset's values to list of all subsets based on current pick object[] subset = new object[subsetSize]; for (ulong i = 0; i < subsetSize; i++) { subset[i] = fullSet[currentPick[i]]; } allSubsets.Add(subset); if (currentPick[0] + subsetSize >= (ulong)fullSet.LongLength) { // Last pick must have been the final 3; end of subset generation break; } // Update current pick for next subset ulong shiftAfter = (ulong)currentPick.LongLength - 1; bool loop; do { loop = false; // Move current picker right currentPick[shiftAfter]++; // If we've gotten to the end of the full set, move left one picker if (currentPick[shiftAfter] > (ulong)fullSet.LongLength - (subsetSize - shiftAfter)) { if (shiftAfter > 0) { shiftAfter--; loop = true; } } else { // Update pickers to be consecutive for (ulong i = shiftAfter+1; i < (ulong)currentPick.LongLength; i++) { currentPick[i] = currentPick[i-1] + 1; } } } while (loop); } return allSubsets; } 


  private static void findSubsets(int array[]) { int numOfSubsets = 1 << array.length; for(int i = 0; i < numOfSubsets; i++) { int pos = array.length - 1; int bitmask = i; System.out.print("{"); while(bitmask > 0) { if((bitmask & 1) == 1) System.out.print(array[pos]+","); bitmask >>= 1; pos--; } System.out.print("}"); } } 


 package psychicpoker; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; public class CombinationIterator implements Iterator> { private int[] indices; private List elements; private boolean hasNext = true; public CombinationIterator(List elements, int k) throws IllegalArgumentException { checkArgument(k<=elements.size(), "Impossible to select %d elements from hand of size %d", k, elements.size()); this.indices = new int[k]; for(int i=0; i next() { Collection result = new ArrayList(indices.length); for(int i=indices.length-1; i>=0; i--) { result.add(elements.get(indices[i])); } hasNext = inc(); return result; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } 





第二种实现是用于从集合[0, setSize)找到k值的所有组合的一般情况。 如果这真的是您所需要的,那么这种实现将更有效率。


 /// Calculate the binomial for a set with a subset size func binomial(setSize: Int, subsetSize: Int) -> Int { if (subsetSize <= 0 || subsetSize > setSize) { return 0 } // Take advantage of symmetry var subsetSizeDelta = subsetSize if (subsetSizeDelta > setSize - subsetSizeDelta) { subsetSizeDelta = setSize - subsetSizeDelta } // Early-out if subsetSizeDelta == 0 { return 1 } var c = 1 for i in 1...subsetSizeDelta { c = c * (setSize - (subsetSizeDelta - i)) c = c / i } return c } /// Calculates all possible combinations of subsets of `subsetSize` values within `set` func combinations(subsetSize: Int, set: [Int]) -> [[Int]]? { // Validate inputs if subsetSize <= 0 || subsetSize > set.count { return nil } // Use a binomial to calculate total possible combinations let comboCount = binomial(setSize: set.count, subsetSize: subsetSize) if comboCount == 0 { return nil } // Our set of combinations var combos = [[Int]]() combos.reserveCapacity(comboCount) // Initialize the combination to the first group of set indices var subsetIndices = [Int](0.. set.count - (subsetSize - x)) { x -= 1 if x >= 0 { continue } } else { for x1 in x+1.. [[Int]]? { // Validate inputs if subsetSize <= 0 || subsetSize > setSize { return nil } // Use a binomial to calculate total possible combinations let comboCount = binomial(setSize: setSize, subsetSize: subsetSize) if comboCount == 0 { return nil } // Our set of combinations var combos = [[Int]]() combos.reserveCapacity(comboCount) // Initialize the combination to the first group of elements var subsetValues = [Int](0.. setSize - (subsetSize - x)) { x -= 1 if x >= 0 { continue } } else { for x1 in x+1..