
我正在使用Google GSON将我的Java对象转换为JSON。


"Step": { "start_name": "Start", "end_name": "End", "data": { "duration": { "value": 292, "text": "4 min." }, "distance": { "value": 1009.0, "text": "1 km" }, "location": { "lat": 59.0000, "lng": 9.0000, "alt": 0.0 } } } 

目前, Duration对象位于Data对象内。 我想跳过Data对象并将Duration对象移动到Step对象,如下所示:

 "Step": { "start_name": "Start", "end_name": "End", "duration": { "value": 292, "text": "4 min." }, "distance": { "value": 1009.0, "text": "1 km" }, "location": { "lat": 59.0000, "lng": 9.0000, "alt": 0.0 } } 




 // registering your custom serializer: GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder (); builder.registerTypeAdapter (Step.class, new StepSerializer ()); Gson gson = builder.create (); // now use 'gson' to do all the work 

下面是自定义序列化程序的代码,我正在写下我的头脑。 它错过了exception处理,可能无法编译,并且确实会减慢重复创建Gson实例的速度。 但它代表了你想要做的事情:

 class StepSerializer implements JsonSerializer { public JsonElement serialize (Step src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { Gson gson = new Gson (); /* Whenever Step is serialized, serialize the contained Data correctly. */ JsonObject step = new JsonObject (); step.add ("start_name", gson.toJsonTree (src.start_name); step.add ("end_name", gson.toJsonTree (src.end_name); /* Notice how I'm digging 2 levels deep into 'data.' but adding JSON elements 1 level deep into 'step' itself. */ step.add ("duration", gson.toJsonTree (; step.add ("distance", gson.toJsonTree (; step.add ("location", gson.toJsonTree (; return step; } } 

我认为在gson中没有漂亮的方法。 也许从初始json获取java对象(Map),删除数据,将持续时间和序列化添加到json:

 Map initial = gson.fromJson(initialJson); // Replace data with duration in this map Map converted = ... String convertedJson = gson.toJson(converted);