如何声明2D String arraylist?

我想做类似这个ArrayList<String> mylist





 List> ls2d = new ArrayList>(); List x = new ArrayList(); x.add("Hello"); x.add("world!"); ls2d.add(x); System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(ls2d.toArray())); 


 List> array = new ArrayList>(); ... array.add(new ArrayList()) array.get(0).add("qqq"); 

array.get(0) – 是一个内部列表

 List> super2dArray = new ArrayList>() 


另外ArrayList> mylist没有意义,因为String不是一个集合/列表,但我想你明白了。 未来的读者可能不会。

看到这个答案 ,看看为什么我选择在左侧有List

尝试这个 :

 public class JavaTests { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { String[ ][ ] test2 = new String[3][3]; //3 can be replace if you add more test2[?][?] = "RandomString" test2[0][0] = "String1"; test2[0][1] = "String2"; test2[0][2] = "String3"; test2[1][0] = "String4"; test2[1][1] = "String5"; test2[1][2] = "String6"; test2[2][0] = "String7"; test2[2][1] = "String8"; test2[2][2] = "String9"; for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++){ for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j++){ System.out.print(test2[i][j] +"\t"); } System.out.println("\n"); } System.out.println("\n"); } } 

有两种方法可以实现您的愿望。 我正在为两者提供代码片段:

1. List> lol = new ArrayList>();

 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int size = in.nextInt(); //Declare your two dimensional ArrayList of Strings. List< List> lol = new ArrayList>(); //Instantiate and Populate for (int i=0;i()); for (int j=0;j 

2. ArrayList[] set = new ArrayList[n];

 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int size = in.nextInt(); //Declare your two dimensional ArrayList of Strings. ArrayList[] set = new ArrayList[size]; //Populate it. for(int i=0;i(); for(int j=0;j