
我尝试通过Java程序从本地(在我的系统中)打开HTML文件。 我尝试了一些程序通过堆栈溢出,但它没有那么多工作。


  Test Application   This is test application   


 Runtime rTime = Runtime.getRuntime(); String url = "D:/hi.html"; String browser = "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe "; Process pc = rTime.exec(browser + url); pc.waitFor(); 



 File htmlFile = new File(url); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(htmlFile.toURI()); 



 /** * If possible this method opens the default browser to the specified web page. * If not it notifies the user of webpage's url so that they may access it * manually. * * @param url * - this can be in the form of a web address (http://www.mywebsite.com) * or a path to an html file or SVG image file etc */ public static void openInBrowser(String url) { try { URI uri = new URL(url).toURI(); Desktop desktop = Desktop.isDesktopSupported() ? Desktop.getDesktop() : null; if (desktop != null && desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) desktop.browse(uri); } catch (Exception e) { /* * I know this is bad practice * but we don't want to do anything clever for a specific error */ e.printStackTrace(); // Copy URL to the clipboard so the user can paste it into their browser StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(url); Clipboard clpbrd = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clpbrd.setContents(stringSelection, null); // Notify the user of the failure WindowTools.informationWindow("This program just tried to open a webpage." + "\n" + "The URL has been copied to your clipboard, simply paste into your browser to access.", "Webpage: " + url); } } 
 URI oURL = new URI(url); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(oURL); 

除此之外,请确保已在所需的浏览器中打开该文件。 检查文件上的图标,如果它显示为文本文件,则可能已使用文本文件打开。 因此,将默认程序更改为所需的程序。