
我需要一些帮助从文本文件中读取数据到我的ArrayList 。 创建并将ArrayList放入文本文件的第一部分非常有效。 我只是在“标记”区域的最后需要一些帮助。


 public class ContAngajat { String username; String password; } public class CreazaCont { // creating the arraylist and putting it into a file public static void ang(String args[]) { ArrayList angajati=new ArrayList(50); Scanner diskScanner = new Scanner(in); Scanner forn = new Scanner(in); int n; out.print("Introduceti numarul de conturi noi care doriti sa le introduceti: "); n=forn.nextInt(); out.println(); try{ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("ConturiAngajati.txt", true); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ ContAngajat cont = new ContAngajat(); out.print("Username: "); cont.username=diskScanner.nextLine(); out.print("Password: "); cont.password=diskScanner.nextLine(); angajati.add(cont); fw.write(cont.username + " "); fw.write(cont.password +"|"); } fw.close(); } catch(IOException ex){ System.out.println("Could not write to file"); System.exit(0); } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { out.println("username: " + angajati.get(i).username + " password: " +angajati.get(i).password ); } } // HERE I'M TRING TO GET THE ARRAYLIST OUT OF THE FILE public static void RdAng(String args[]) { ArrayList angajati=new ArrayList(50); ContAngajat cont = new ContAngajat(); int count,i2,i; try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader("ConturiAngajati.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = ""; while((line=br.readLine())!=null) { String[] theline=line.split("|"); count=theline.length; for(i=0;i<theline.length;i++) { String[] theword = theline[i].split(" "); } } for(i2=0;i2<count;i2++) { ContAngajat contrd = new ContAngajat(); // "ERROR" OVER HERE for (int ird=0; ird <theword.length; ird++) { cont.username=theword[0]; cont.password=theword[1]; // they keep telling me "theword cannot be resolved" whenever i try to run this } angajati.add(contrd); } } catch(IOException ex){ System.out.println("Could not read to file"); System.exit(0); } } } 

编译错误是theword cannot be resolved


这意味着该theword未在范围中声明。 您无法访问它来调用任何方法。 他们做得对。 您需要在更广泛的范围内声明theword ,或者将依赖于theword的代码移动到声明它的范围内。 也许你已经在ifwhile块中声明了它,并且你试图在声明它的块之外使用它。 那不行。
