java循环,if else

我知道这是非常简单的事情,但是,我只编程了几个月,所以我的大脑有时会出现雾,我需要帮助一个带有嵌套的else if语句的while循环。 问题我的循环是连续的,因为用户永远不会有机会输入他们的选择(-1停止循环)。 如何通过要求用户输入选项(1-4或-1退出)来更改循环以使其运行

请任何帮助表示赞赏。 我知道这很简单,我已经在之前的论坛讨论中进行了搜索,但我似乎无法使其发挥作用。

//create new scanner object Scanner userInput = new Scanner (; int end = 0; //find out what user wants to do with address book while (end != -1) { System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("----------------------------"); System.out.println("What would you like to do with your address book? ..."); System.out.println("----------------------------"); System.out.println("Add new [Enter 1]"); System.out.println("Delete existing [Enter 2]"); System.out.println("Edit existing [Enter 3]"); System.out.println("Search for [Enter 4]"); System.out.println("EXIT [Enter -1]"); } if (userInput.hasNext() && (userInput.nextInt() == 1)) { AddressBookProcessor.addContact(); } else if (userInput.hasNext() && userInput.nextInt() == 2) { AddressBookProcessor.deleteContact(); } else if (userInput.hasNext() && userInput.nextInt() == 3) { AddressBookProcessor.editContact(); } else if (userInput.hasNext() && userInput.nextInt() == 4) { AddressBookProcessor.findContact(); } else if (userInput.nextInt() != 1 || userInput.nextInt() != 2 || userInput.nextInt() != 3 || userInput.nextInt() != -1) { System.out.println("Please enter a valid input"); end = -1; } } 

在while循环中移动if / else。

您不会更改while循环内的end变量,因此会导致无限循环。 您需要将输入处理逻辑放在while循环中,以便end有机会更改,以便while循环可以结束。


 //create new scanner object Scanner userInput = new Scanner (; int end = 0; //find out what user wants to do with address book while (end != -1) { System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("----------------------------"); System.out.println("What would you like to do with your address book? ..."); System.out.println("----------------------------"); System.out.println("Add new [Enter 1]"); System.out.println("Delete existing [Enter 2]"); System.out.println("Edit existing [Enter 3]"); System.out.println("Search for [Enter 4]"); System.out.println("EXIT [Enter -1]"); if (userInput.hasNext() && (userInput.nextInt() == 1)) { AddressBookProcessor.addContact(); } else if (userInput.hasNext() && userInput.nextInt() == 2) { AddressBookProcessor.deleteContact(); } else if (userInput.hasNext() && userInput.nextInt() == 3) { AddressBookProcessor.editContact(); } else if (userInput.hasNext() && userInput.nextInt() == 4) { AddressBookProcessor.findContact(); } else if (userInput.nextInt() != 1 || userInput.nextInt() != 2 || userInput.nextInt() != 3 || userInput.nextInt() != -1) { System.out.println("Please enter a valid input"); end = -1; } } }