
由于HttpURLConnection ,我正在编写一个连接到servlet的程序,但是在检查url时我卡住了

 public void connect (String method) throws Exception { server = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection (); server.setDoInput (true); server.setDoOutput (true); server.setUseCaches (false); server.setRequestMethod (method); server.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application / xml"); server.connect (); /*if (server.getResponseCode () == 200) { System.out.println ("Connection OK at the url:" + url); System.out.println ("------------------------------------------- ------- "); } else System.out.println ("Connection failed"); }*/ 





HTTP协议基于请求 – 响应模式:您首先发送请求,服务器响应。 一旦服务器响应,您就无法再发送任何内容,这是没有意义的。 (服务器怎么能它知道你要发送什么之前给你一个响应代码?)

因此,当您调用server.getResponseCode() ,您可以有效地告诉服务器您的请求已完成并且可以处理它。 如果要发送更多数据,则必须启动新请求。

查看您的代码,您需要检查连接本身是否成功,但不需要:如果连接不成功, server.connect()将抛出exception。 但是连接尝试的结果与HTTP响应代码不同,后者总是在服务器处理完所有输入之后。

我认为exception不是因为printing url 。 在读取响应之后,应该尝试编写一些代码来设置请​​求体。

如果您在获取HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream()后尝试获取HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream() ,则会发生此exception


 public synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { try { if (!doOutput) { throw new ProtocolException("cannot write to a URLConnection" + " if doOutput=false - call setDoOutput(true)"); } if (method.equals("GET")) { method = "POST"; // Backward compatibility } if (!"POST".equals(method) && !"PUT".equals(method) && "http".equals(url.getProtocol())) { throw new ProtocolException("HTTP method " + method + " doesn't support output"); } // if there's already an input stream open, throw an exception if (inputStream != null) { throw new ProtocolException("Cannot write output after reading input."); } if (!checkReuseConnection()) connect(); /* REMIND: This exists to fix the HttpsURLConnection subclass. * Hotjava needs to run on JDK.FCS. Do proper fix in subclass * for . and remove this. */ if (streaming() && strOutputStream == null) { writeRequests(); } ps = (PrintStream)http.getOutputStream(); if (streaming()) { if (strOutputStream == null) { if (fixedContentLength != -) { strOutputStream = new StreamingOutputStream (ps, fixedContentLength); } else if (chunkLength != -) { strOutputStream = new StreamingOutputStream( new ChunkedOutputStream (ps, chunkLength), -); } } return strOutputStream; } else { if (poster == null) { poster = new PosterOutputStream(); } return poster; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { disconnectInternal(); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { disconnectInternal(); throw e; } } 



 HttpURLConnection conn=(HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); configureConnection(conn); //System.out.println(conn.getHeaderFields()); //if i comment this code,everything is ok, if not the 'Cannot write output after reading input' error happens conn.connect(); OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream(); os.write(paramsContent.getBytes()); os.flush(); os.close(); 

我有同样的问题。 该问题的解决方案是您需要使用序列

 openConnection -> getOutputStream -> write -> getInputStream -> read 


 public String sendReceive(String url, String toSend) { URL url = new URL(url); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.sets... OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream()); out.write(toSend); out.close(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String receive = ""; do { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) break; receive += line; } while (true); in.close(); return receive; } String results1 = sendReceive("site.com/update.php", params1); String results2 = sendReceive("site.com/update.php", params2); ...