EJB 3.x中@Schedule方法的动态参数


我想使用带有Glassfish 3.1的EJB 3.x运行一个作业。


@Singleton public class CustomTimer { @EJB SettingsFacade settingsFacade; @Schedule(second="someSecondParameter", minute="someMinuteParameter",hour="someHourParameter", persistent=false) public void executeTimer(){ //Code executing something against database using the settingsFacade } } 

在这里,我们希望从数据库中获取参数,因此它们每个月都会更改。 任何干净的解决方案?

不,@ @Schedule没有解决方案,因为注释属性通常应该是编译时常量。

当需要更大的灵活性时,可以使用编程定时器 。 此外,还必须实现轮询数据库以更改配置并删除现有和创建新计时器。

 public class ScheduleTimerService {

     @Resource私有TimerService timerService;

     public void setTimerService(TimerService timerService){this.timerService = timerService;  }

     private void postConstruct(){

     public void timerTimeout(Timer timer){
           在这个例子中:每天01h:30m ;-)

     private ScheduleExpression createSchedule(){

         ScheduleExpression表达式= new ScheduleExpression();
         expression.dayOfWeek( “周日,周一,周二,周三,周四,周五,周六”);    
         expression.hour( “01”);
         expression.minute( “30”);



但是对于这个需要做一些程序化的。 您也可以看到EJB计时器,它们在这种情况下可以帮助您。 这也是基于注释的。

有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点。 我希望每天都能调用一个流程,但是工作本身应该在同一天随机完成。 我设法通过在调用EJB计时器服务之后添加一个简单的线程工作程序来运行。 那天我会在那个时间里让它睡觉一段时间。


 @Schedule(minute = "*/1", hour = "*", persistent = false) public void runEveryMinute() throws InterruptedException { log.log(Level.INFO, "Scheduling for every minute .. now it's: " + new Date().toString()); // Delay, in milliseconds before we interrupt adding a follower thread //we can therefore garantee that it runs every day long patience = 1000 * 5; threadMessage("Starting forever alone no more thread"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread t = new Thread(new MessageLoop()); t.start(); threadMessage("Waiting for new thread to finish"); // loop until MessageLoop thread exits while (t.isAlive()) { threadMessage("Still waiting..."); // Wait maximum of 1 second for MessageLoop thread to finish. t.join(1000); if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > patience) && t.isAlive()) { threadMessage("Tired of waiting! Adding new followers now!"); t.interrupt(); // Shouldn't be long now -- wait indefinitely t.join(); } } threadMessage("Finally! You are not alone anymore!"); } // Display a message, preceded by // the name of the current thread static void threadMessage(String message) { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); System.out.format("%s: %s%n", threadName, message); } private static class MessageLoop implements Runnable { public void run() { String importantInfo[] = { "A kid will eat ivy too" }; try { for (int i = 0; i < importantInfo.length; i++) { // Pause for 4 seconds int max = 10; int min = 2; int randomTimer = 0 + (int) (Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)); Thread.sleep(randomTimer * 1000); // Print a message threadMessage(importantInfo[i]); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { threadMessage("Patience is not a virtue! Thread stopping for now!"); } } }