
我正在使用Pdfbox从pdf文件中搜索单词(或字符串),我也想知道该单词的坐标。 例如: – 在pdf文件中有一个类似“$ {abc}”的字符串。 我想知道这个字符串的坐标。 我尝试了几个例子,但根据我没有得到结果。 结果它显示了角色的坐标。


@Override protected void writeString(String string, List textPositions) throws IOException { for(TextPosition text : textPositions) { System.out.println( "String[" + text.getXDirAdj() + "," + text.getYDirAdj() + " fs=" + text.getFontSize() + " xscale=" + text.getXScale() + " height=" + text.getHeightDir() + " space=" + text.getWidthOfSpace() + " width=" + text.getWidthDirAdj() + "]" + text.getUnicode()); } } 

我正在使用pdfbox 2.0


 /** * Write a Java string to the output stream. The default implementation will ignore the textPositions * and just calls {@link #writeString(String)}. * * @param text The text to write to the stream. * @param textPositions The TextPositions belonging to the text. * @throws IOException If there is an error when writing the text. */ protected void writeString(String text, List textPositions) throws IOException 

一个人应该在这里拦截,因为这个方法接收预处理的,特别是排序的 TextPosition对象(如果一个请求排序开始)。

(实际上我更倾向于在调用方法writeLine拦截,根据其参数的名称和局部变量具有一行的所有TextPosition实例并且每个word调用一次writeString ;不幸的是,PDFBox开发人员已经将此方法声明为私有……好吧,也许这会改变,直到最后的2.0.0发布… 轻推,轻推更新:不幸的是它在发布中没有改变…… 叹息



 List findSubwords(PDDocument document, int page, String searchTerm) throws IOException { final List hits = new ArrayList(); PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper() { @Override protected void writeString(String text, List textPositions) throws IOException { TextPositionSequence word = new TextPositionSequence(textPositions); String string = word.toString(); int fromIndex = 0; int index; while ((index = string.indexOf(searchTerm, fromIndex)) > -1) { hits.add(word.subSequence(index, index + searchTerm.length())); fromIndex = index + 1; } super.writeString(text, textPositions); } }; stripper.setSortByPosition(true); stripper.setStartPage(page); stripper.setEndPage(page); stripper.getText(document); return hits; } 


 public class TextPositionSequence implements CharSequence { public TextPositionSequence(List textPositions) { this(textPositions, 0, textPositions.size()); } public TextPositionSequence(List textPositions, int start, int end) { this.textPositions = textPositions; this.start = start; this.end = end; } @Override public int length() { return end - start; } @Override public char charAt(int index) { TextPosition textPosition = textPositionAt(index); String text = textPosition.getUnicode(); return text.charAt(0); } @Override public TextPositionSequence subSequence(int start, int end) { return new TextPositionSequence(textPositions, this.start + start, this.start + end); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length()); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { builder.append(charAt(i)); } return builder.toString(); } public TextPosition textPositionAt(int index) { return textPositions.get(start + index); } public float getX() { return textPositions.get(start).getXDirAdj(); } public float getY() { return textPositions.get(start).getYDirAdj(); } public float getWidth() { TextPosition first = textPositions.get(start); TextPosition last = textPositions.get(end); return last.getWidthDirAdj() + last.getXDirAdj() - first.getXDirAdj(); } final List textPositions; final int start, end; } 


 void printSubwords(PDDocument document, String searchTerm) throws IOException { System.out.printf("* Looking for '%s'\n", searchTerm); for (int page = 1; page <= document.getNumberOfPages(); page++) { List hits = findSubwords(document, page, searchTerm); for (TextPositionSequence hit : hits) { TextPosition lastPosition = hit.textPositionAt(hit.length() - 1); System.out.printf(" Page %s at %s, %s with width %s and last letter '%s' at %s, %s\n", page, hit.getX(), hit.getY(), hit.getWidth(), lastPosition.getUnicode(), lastPosition.getXDirAdj(), lastPosition.getYDirAdj()); } } } 

对于测试,我使用MS Word创建了一个小测试文件:



 @Test public void testVariables() throws IOException { try ( InputStream resource = getClass().getResourceAsStream("Variables.pdf"); PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(resource); ) { System.out.println("\nVariables.pdf\n-------------\n"); printSubwords(document, "${var1}"); printSubwords(document, "${var 2}"); } } 

 Variables.pdf ------------- * Looking for '${var1}' Page 1 at 164.39648, 158.06 with width 34.67856 and last letter '}' at 193.22, 158.06 Page 1 at 188.75699, 174.13995 with width 34.58806 and last letter '}' at 217.49, 174.13995 Page 1 at 167.49583, 190.21997 with width 38.000168 and last letter '}' at 196.22, 190.21997 Page 1 at 176.67009, 206.18 with width 35.667114 and last letter '}' at 205.49, 206.18 * Looking for '${var 2}' Page 1 at 164.39648, 257.65997 with width 37.078552 and last letter '}' at 195.62, 257.65997 Page 1 at 188.75699, 273.74 with width 37.108047 and last letter '}' at 220.01, 273.74 Page 1 at 167.49583, 289.72998 with width 40.55017 and last letter '}' at 198.74, 289.72998 Page 1 at 176.67778, 305.81 with width 38.059418 and last letter '}' at 207.89, 305.81 

我有点惊讶,因为如果在单行上找到${var 2} ; 毕竟,PDFBox代码让我假设方法writeString我overrode只检索单词 ; 它看起来好像检索线的较长部分而不仅仅是单词……


如上所述,这不是您的问题的答案,但下面是如何在IText执行此操作的框架示例。 这并不是说在Pdfbox中也不可能。

基本上你创建了一个RenderListener ,它接受“解析事件”。 您将此侦听器传递给PdfReaderContentParser.processContent 。 在侦听器的renderText方法中,您将获得重建布局所需的所有信息,包括x / y坐标和构成内容的text / image / ….

 RenderListener listener = new RenderListener() { @Override public void renderText(TextRenderInfo arg0) { LineSegment segment = arg0.getBaseline(); int x = (int) segment.getStartPoint().get(Vector.I1); // smaller Y means closer to the BOTTOM of the page. So we negate the Y to get proper top-to-bottom ordering int y = -(int) segment.getStartPoint().get(Vector.I2); int endx = (int) segment.getEndPoint().get(Vector.I1); log.debug("renderText "+x+".."+endx+"/"+y+": "+arg0.getText()); ... } ... // other overrides }; PdfReaderContentParser p = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader); for (int i = 1; i <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); i++) { log.info("handling page "+i); p.processContent(i, listener); } 

我一直在寻找在PDF文件中突出显示不同的单词。 为此,我需要正确地知道单词坐标,所以我正在做的是从左上角,第一个字母和最后一个(x,y)坐标获取(x,y)坐标。来自右上角的信。

稍后,将点保存在一个数组中。 请记住,为了正确获得y坐标,您需要相对于页面大小的相对位置,因为给定了坐标。 但是getYDirAdj()方法是绝对的,并且很多时间与页面中的时间不匹配。

 protected void writeString(String string, List textPositions) throws IOException { boolean isFound = false; float posXInit = 0, posXEnd = 0, posYInit = 0, posYEnd = 0, width = 0, height = 0, fontHeight = 0; String[] criteria = {"Word1", "Word2", "Word3", ....}; for (int i = 0; i < criteria.length; i++) { if (string.contains(criteria[i])) { isFound = true; } } if (isFound) { posXInit = textPositions.get(0).getXDirAdj(); posXEnd = textPositions.get(textPositions.size() - 1).getXDirAdj() + textPositions.get(textPositions.size() - 1).getWidth(); posYInit = textPositions.get(0).getPageHeight() - textPositions.get(0).getYDirAdj(); posYEnd = textPositions.get(0).getPageHeight() - textPositions.get(textPositions.size() - 1).getYDirAdj(); width = textPositions.get(0).getWidthDirAdj(); height = textPositions.get(0).getHeightDir(); System.out.println(string + "X-Init = " + posXInit + "; Y-Init = " + posYInit + "; X-End = " + posXEnd + "; Y-End = " + posYEnd + "; Font-Height = " + fontHeight); float quadPoints[] = {posXInit, posYEnd + height + 2, posXEnd, posYEnd + height + 2, posXInit, posYInit - 2, posXEnd, posYEnd - 2}; List annotations = document.getPage(this.getCurrentPageNo() - 1).getAnnotations(); PDAnnotationTextMarkup highlight = new PDAnnotationTextMarkup(PDAnnotationTextMarkup.SUB_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT); PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle(); position.setLowerLeftX(posXInit); position.setLowerLeftY(posYEnd); position.setUpperRightX(posXEnd); position.setUpperRightY(posYEnd + height); highlight.setRectangle(position); // quadPoints is array of x,y coordinates in Z-like order (top-left, top-right, bottom-left,bottom-right) // of the area to be highlighted highlight.setQuadPoints(quadPoints); PDColor yellow = new PDColor(new float[]{1, 1, 1 / 255F}, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE); highlight.setColor(yellow); annotations.add(highlight); } }