

public interface Shape { public double calcArea(); public double calcPerimeter(); } public class Rectangle implement Shape { // Various properties of a rectangle } public class Circle implements Shape { // Various properties of a circle } public class ShapeHolder { private List shapes; // other stuff } 

我没有问题让GSON将ShapeHolder的一个实例序列化为JSON。 但是当我尝试将该JSON的String反序列化为ShapeHolder实例时,我收到错误:

 String shapeHolderAsStr = getString(); ShapeHolder holder = gson.fromJson(shapeHodlderAsStr, ShapeHolder.class); 


 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to invoke no-args constructor for interface net.myapp.Shape. Register an InstanceCreator with Gson for this type may fix this problem. at$8.construct( at$ ... rest of stack trace ommitted for brevity 


 public class ShapeInstanceCreator implements InstanceCreator { @Override public Shape createInstance(Type type) { // TODO: ??? return null; } } 

但现在我卡住了:我只给了一个java.lang.reflect.Type ,但我真的需要一个java.lang.Object所以我可以编写如下代码:

 public class ShapeInstanceCreator implements InstanceCreator { @Override public Shape createInstance(Type type) { Object obj = convertTypeToObject(type); if(obj instanceof Rectangle) { Rectangle r = (Rectangle)obj; return r; } else { Circle c = (Circle)obj; return c; } return null; } } 

我能做什么? 提前致谢!


根据@ raffian的建议(他/她发布的链接),我实现了一个完全类似链接中的InterfaceAdapter (我没有改变任何东西 )。 现在我收到以下exception:

 Exception in thread "main" no 'type' member found in what was expected to be an interface wrapper at net.myapp.InterfaceAdapter.get( at net.myapp.InterfaceAdapter.deserialize( 


你看看这个吗? 看起来像是一个很好的干净方式来实现InstanceCreators。

我也在使用Gson,但由于序列化问题而切换到FlexJSON 。 使用Flex,您不需要实例创建者,只需确保您的对象具有基于JavaBean规范的所有字段的getter / setter,您就可以了:

  ShapeHolder sh = new ShapeHolder(); sh.addShape(new Rectangle()); sh.addShape(new Circle()); JSONSerializer ser = new JSONSerializer(); String json = ser.deepSerialize(sh); JSONDeserializer der = new JSONDeserializer(); ShapeHolder sh2 = der.deserialize(json); 

请注意, FlexJSON正在添加类名作为json的一部分,如下面的序列化时间。

 { "HTTPStatus": "OK", "class": "com.XXX.YYY.HTTPViewResponse", "code": null, "outputContext": { "class": "com.XXX.YYY.ZZZ.OutputSuccessContext", "eligible": true } } 

所以JSON会有些麻烦; 但是您不需要编写GSON中需要的InstanceCreator。